FWIW, I believe TPMS became mandatory in the US in 2007 (Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems: An Overview).
"i saw lights coming up behind me real quik, like 100k in a 60 zone." Quote from a post in the ramforumz thread. Wow...you can't make this stuff up.
Exactly. All the ads make it hard to find the posts. And then once you find them you wish you hadn't.
I was recently rear-ended as well. I was stopped at a light. #2 car was stopped behind me. #3 ran into her with enough force to push me forward several feet. #2 was damaged pretty badly, but I have nothing but #2's license plate frame imprinted on my bumper. Got my insurance check and am having it fixed next week. These things definitely take rear-end collisions well.
I think they're all pissed, by the time they realize they bought a Dodge, they see they still got 69 payments to make.
I just bought a brand new Prius last night and on the way home with it had a jackass like this riding my bumper, then blow past me in a double yellow. Funny thing was about 3 miles later I caught up with him (doing the speed limit) because there was a van doing 20 under the speed limit and the guy didn't try to pass him once.