<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jul 4 2007, 04:08 PM) [snapback]473064[/snapback]</div> "The Internet" I wonder how he got caught? "via the internet"? Im gathering certain people would pay to see that stuff.. :huh: :mellow:
It's certainly not to stir up fear and paranoia in an effort to distract the public so they won't seek solutions on meaningful issues, (ie. universal health care, global warming, energy independence) While 9/11 was a tragedy and a crime against humanity, I personally don't have a number that would lead me to attack the country that DID NOT PERPETRATE THE ATTACK. I guess 3000 is your threshhold though. What would be the threshhold for you for us to invade Israel for they had as much to do with the attack as did Iraq. How many dead american civilians were killed, injured and hospitalized by ibuprofen? As a GI you should be intimately aware of this problem. Ibuprofen by no means life saving. So what is your threshhold of american deaths to stop NSAID use?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Jul 5 2007, 12:45 PM) [snapback]473516[/snapback]</div> Again, what is the primary directive of the POTUS? 9/11 - again, what would you have done in response to it. Invading israel seems to be your wet dream - first - israel would never attack the US (and if you want to seqway into the US Liberty episode make it a different post). Second, the US could never and would never attack Israel - you see, Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons - land based, sea based, and air based - the US public cant even stand the casualties we have suffered in Iraq - they would never be able to handle the casualties israel would inflict on invading us forces - and i seriously doubt the US could establish air superiority over israel..... this might give you pause as you would allow iran to go nuclear at which point the US and the free world loses multiple options in dealing with them too. How else could a nation of 6million people hold off a nation of 300 million? your nsaid reference is actually good - if americans knew how many of us go south due to asa and nsaids they would be taken off the OTC market. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Jul 5 2007, 12:45 PM) [snapback]473516[/snapback]</div> Point of Clarification - 9/11 was an act of war - and a tragedy - and a crime against humanity -
What I find interesting is that these doctors were all mid20s.They were living constructive lives and were devoted to helping people with their study of medicine.They seem to be from various locales around the world. They were mostly all in med school in 2003. I believe this illustrates how Bush's Iraq invasion has created terrorists. These men were redirected from a productive, lucrative,and fulfilling path in life . If this turns out to be the case ,it will be only the tip of the iceberg. I think this situation could indicate an enormous swelling of terrorist recruitment from all walks of life. The way to deal with hornets is NOT to swat the nest.The Iraq war may be creating terrorists from otherwise peaceful Muslims
To lead the USA. Wet dream. That's rich. You're the one always regurgitating anti semitism bit. I admire Israel. They are a great people(unlike the whiners like yourself) that have overcome some of the most heinous crimes ever perpetrated against a group of people. That being said, I just don't think we should do their bidding. They've grown up, they can fend for themselves. Wth is the US Liberty? Then so was the oklahoma bombing and ted kasinsky's attacks. Who should we invade for those terrorist attacks, I mean "acts of war"? Also do you REALLY believe that they attacked us for our freedom? Yes or no will suffice.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Jul 5 2007, 01:08 PM) [snapback]473559[/snapback]</div> a U.S. Navy signals intelligence ship, USS Liberty, in international waters about 12.5 nautical miles (23 km) from the coast of the Sinai Peninsula, north of the Egyptian town of El Arish, by Israeli fighter planes and torpedo boats on June 8, 1967. The Israeli attack killed 34 U.S. servicemen and wounded at least 173
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Essayons @ Jul 5 2007, 01:25 PM) [snapback]473566[/snapback]</div> That sounds like friendly fire.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Jul 5 2007, 02:04 PM) [snapback]473557[/snapback]</div> How were the 9/11 terrorists born? I know your kidding - but that is so ridiculous its hilarious. How would you deal with a hornets nest in your attic after your child was stung and had an allergic reaction to it? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Jul 5 2007, 02:08 PM) [snapback]473559[/snapback]</div> Israel can fend for itself - i dont think the US should throttle them at all - especially with the next war looming large - they should have all the room to do whatever they need to do. i also think we should insure that any money given to the PA be accounted for - and go to the people - and not to terror. The Oklahoma bombing was an act of war??? Please explain that to me... Were we attacked for our freedom - NO - we were attacked because of it - YES. They do not want freedom, they do not want equal rights, they do not want a free press, they do not want an impartial judiciary. The same basic stuff that they attacked us over several hundred years ago - they are just doing it better this time -- they had far fewer sympathsizers then then they do today :blink: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Essayons @ Jul 5 2007, 02:25 PM) [snapback]473566[/snapback]</div> Horrible mistake - i believe Israel compensated all those that were killed and wounded - obviously too little and too late. Israel, imho, is the best US ally on the planet today.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Jul 5 2007, 02:04 PM) [snapback]473557[/snapback]</div> You are living a pipe dream. What about all the other terrorists attacks against the US and other nations in the past 20 years? What would you do, turn the other cheek and have another 3000 or so killed. It was past the time to say "we will punish you" and to do nothing. I am not in favor of war, but we did not start this one, and we are at war, and we should finish it. I do believe that the political parties will change in 2008, and it will not make a difference to the terrorists who is in power. Time will tell. Gordon Brown was elected due to his opposition to the Iraq War. Did that stop the terrorists? His first day in power they struck. If you think that they are all young and tuned in since 2003 you are sadly mistaken. You talk about a "swelling of terrorist recruitment", I wish that all Americans would stand up and support our troops and our government in this war. But thats what makes this country what it is. You have your opinion, I have mine. Do you think they have the same options over there? Hardly. Here you can worship as you want, over there get caught with a bible and see what happens.
I certainly wouldn't go next door and attack my neighbor for it which is what going to Iraq was all about. People(not a nation) pissed off at American and it government blew up a bunch of innocent civilians. Sound familiar? Go ahead and state that it was the "state of islam" that attacked. We all know about your hatred towards them. Nonetheless, it wasn't a nation that attacked us. It was a group of crazy people. We have those here in the US too that aren't muslim. No crap. The Iraq war has solved the problem of the "lack of sympathizers" . What else are you going to say a Mr. super zionist. No. US is Israel's best ally. We don't need allies, but I guess you could say that UK is our best ally. At least they ponied up when we perpetrated the mistake of going into Iraq. I'd surmise that less than 10% of the US population could even point out the location of Israel on a globe even if the globe were labeled in English. I'd also surmise that most americans would rather be friends with the saudis (and have access to their oil resources) than israel in a heartbeat(not me mind you).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tom 6850 @ Jul 5 2007, 03:38 PM) [snapback]473643[/snapback]</div> The Iraq war is creating terrorism. There was no Alqueda in Iraq before Bush enabled them.Its an endless looping escalation of aggression. I wish you would support our troops, and realize that you are sending them into unnecessary harm and killing them for nothing.There will never be any " mission accomplished" because the Iraq mission has no attainable goal. Do you want a solution? Before Bush made a worse mess of things,it would have been effective to eliminate Bin Laden and secure our own country.(The Afghan invasion was appropriate.) Then force a Middle East peace settlement . (Funny, thats what Clinton was trying to do before Bush dropped the ball.) Back to the hornets nest analogy.If theres a hornets nest in your attic then destroy it.But dont provoke the innocent bees in the next neighborhood.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Jul 5 2007, 01:04 PM) [snapback]473557[/snapback]</div> The point Im trying to make is that these MDs uniquely, were unlikely to have been potential terrorists prior to 2003. They were dedicated to at least 8 years of study. Why bother to make that dedication if their goal was to become a terrorist? I think its proof that they were affected enough by Bushs crusade to redirect their lives.
You can only trust doctors from the Suk schools... you can tell us from the others because we have diamonds on our foreheads. Due to our Imperial conditioning, we *can't* betray our patients' trust. Although his diatribes are bizarre and distressing, you can see from this photo of dbermann that he's trustworthy, so don't worry. Everyone knew you couldn't subvert Imperial conditioning!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Jul 5 2007, 05:46 PM) [snapback]473682[/snapback]</div> LOL! Bush caused the UK bombing attempts. Now I have heard it all. UBL's "general" (is it Zawahiri?) was a pediatrician. I'm sure Bush caused him to redirect his life before Bush was even in office. That Bush has powers beyond the normal human. He causes EVERYTHING to happen. I think we should elect him for another four years, maybe forever.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(formerVWdriver @ Jul 6 2007, 10:29 AM) [snapback]474002[/snapback]</div> Thats a rather astute example but I think Zawahiri's life reinforces my argument. A year after he finished medical school he joined Ronald Reagans Mujahideen in Afghanistan. His life was redirected by Jihad against the Soviet invasion .
Some of the jerkiest people I know have M.D. after their name. I know a few who work for the top US organization for mandating policy, and they don't have much sense to come in out of the rain. They seem to have a single talent and no common sense about things a 12 year old would know. I would rather be around a GOOD doctor with a lot of experience and compassion, and one that is a well rounded person without a "God Complex". The nuttiest folks I have known are Psychiatrists. I am not kidding. They are f'd up. Don't put your faith in someone totally because of their profession. It is admirable that they managed to get through some kind of medical school. But they are not God. The most uncaring, idiotic doctors, with no experience seem to be at Kaiser in Atlanta. They are mostly educated in the West Indies???? I feel like they don't give a damn. I get a definite racist vibe from them.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Jul 6 2007, 09:08 PM) [snapback]474372[/snapback]</div> I thought it was from years in an Egyptian jail but I am no expert on his life. Interesting that our involvement in Afghanistan helped bring down the Soviet Union. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusmaybe @ Jul 6 2007, 09:46 PM) [snapback]474387[/snapback]</div> Amen. I think that's what you get when you have people go into a profession for money and prestige, not because they view it as their purpose in life. The ones who are in it for the right reasons are greatly to be admired -- and sought. A friend who is a pilot told me once that certain private aircraft are called "Doctor Killers" because doctors like to buy them and then, in arrogance and ignorance, get themselves killed.