The seat adjusting levers should take a nanosecond to explain, there are 2 adjustments on North American Prius seats 3 for everyone else.
Yes, I think even I can glom onto the operation of the seat levers. I just want them to show and tell so I don't have to feel around for them. Same for other knobs, buttons, levers, bells and the odd whistle.
My salesperson also set up my bluetooth for me, and insisted on trying to transfer my phone book to the car. I knew that transferring the phone book would not work due to my cell carrier and the type of phone. He kept trying and trying - he finally gave up about 1/2 hour later. One thing I wish he had told me was that voice command does not work on package #3 except for the phone. You can't use voice commands unless you have the NAV system. Oh, and they also drove with me to a gas station and filled the car for me - nice touch.