It is hard to argue with this logic. Running a company with the intention of profiting is just downright dishonest. They should sell these Prii to us for exactly what it cost to make, and not one penny more. Further, they should use the most expensive materials they can find. It is just not sound judgement to use a less expensive material, even if it works just fine. It's funny that, even though consumers are being overcharged for Prii, one must get on a waiting list to get one. These people must be a glutton for punishment. They should do more research. Mike
Mike, that is so funny!!! I agree, if someone is so unhappy with what they've purchased and insist that there is nothing worst then what they have purchased and paid, then SELL it. Hate to sound disrespectful, but why still on this forum? I for one thank everyone here that had given me all the information that I can get before buying my 2009 Prius with package #3. I love it. Yes, it's not cheap but you didn't have to buy it if you don't think it's a fair price. You don't have to paid over msrp and be on a waiting list. We all have to put common sense on our own action and not play the blame game. You bought it, you own it. Don't like it trade it in or sell it. Plenty of offers here so far. Frankie
perhaps you havent read my posts since I didnt start this topic, I'm just a prius owner who happens to agree .... FYI, I'm more than happy with my prius... I bought it because I thought it was cool, and nothing more... no attempt to save the planet here, I could care less. Unlike the majority of the membership I am both well aware, and man enough to accept the fact that the prius also happens to be a cheap, poorly made piece of crap. does that explain it a wee bit better for ya?
Speaking of bumpers... The dearly departed Chevy Malibu was once bumped in the front end, in a parking lot, by someone moving just about 2 or 3 MPH at the most. That cost about $1500, if I remember correctly. So, is a Malibu an econobox? Hmmm?
Surprise surprise, people on a Prius forum like the Prius. If you are frustrated by Prius forum members being a fan of the Prius, I suggest you frequent a forum that focuses on a different vehicle. What you have posted is not fact, it is your opinion. Pure and simple and obviously your experience varies from most of ours. Don't be so arrogant as to assume that anyone who disagrees with you doesn't know any better. Obviously the car sells very well and has a bunch of extremely satisfied owners. Again...I don't care for the Prius and I would trade it in on almost anything if my wife would let me...but I disagree with the statements you've made here since they contradict my own experience. Sorry.
My choice was the Touring Version and LOVE it. No regrets...Believe there is a different suspension (my descriptive words may not be perfect, but you get the idea hopefully) and while it is not as beefy as my Tundra CrewMax was, it holds the road well, and is very comfortable. I feel safe. After reading some of other owners comments, I was concerned prior to taking delivery, as several people had discussed a lack of comfort and room. I am a tall and overweight, as is my husband. We can both ride comfortably in the Prius. My husband is six-ten, so he has to recline the passenger seat a few notches to accomodate his height, but that is so in most any car he rides in. The last couple of years I drove 50-70k each year. Many times I have clients in my vehicle. One of the qualities that is sometimes overlooked, is that there is ample leg room in the back seat for two full size adults-three if they are slender. I LOVE MY PRIUS and my clients have had very positive feedback as well. People with high end vehicles pay much more than we do for our Prius and they are going to have more options and plush options. With leather and Package 2, my Touring Prius has been everything I have hoped for and more, and the 49mpg with out babying it to much is very appreciated.
Yes, a used 84 civic. That's what I should get to save the planet. Who cares if 3x as much smog is belched out by the nearly 25 year old car ... that's how I'll save the planet. I hate my Prius. Paid nearly $19K (used in '04) and now I can sell it for more, 50,000 miles later. 50mpg-60mpg, Leather, high tech, roomier that a 'midsized' malibu. What a stupid econobox car. Stupid stupid car ... but it's cool.
Here's the truth to complainers - You and everyone else had an opportunity to test drive one or more Prius and if one was not available, Toyota rents Prius from many dealerships such that you can extensively evaluate the car before buying. Keep going through life making impulsive decisions, not knowing what you are buying, etc ... and see where that gets you.
I'm a member of dozens of automotive forums (as I own many vehicles) ... this forum is unique in that its membership blindly praises and dotes over their vehicle...
OMG!! my Prius is jacked up right now... in fact, its so far up the air, that BOTH tires are off the ground!! i am soooo scared as to what might happen that i am thinking that leaving it jacked up while i type this is a big boo-boo. but then again... now that i think of it, i have done the same thing every 5,000 miles on both Pri's and have never had an issue before when rotating my tires... but, i may only be driving on borrowed time...
no... you should be scared when some hits you with their ford focus or their hyundai , let alone a volvo or an suv. the pruis will crumple like a piece of tin foil... keep that blind faith going, i'm sure it will protect you more than the car will
Time to feed the troll. The cigarette is not curbing the little guy's appetite - I tapped on my non-touring, stock wheels to see if they are built like soda pop cans as you say. They seemed lightweight, strong and smartly built for the job. Oh, and a Prius will crumple like a Prius as tested by the IIHS and others, not like a piece of tinfoil. People can always choose and practice safe and defensive driving techniques above the typical reason 'We need a bigger, heavier vehicle (than is necessary) to protect our family'.
I have no doubts that a Prius will not survive a crash. I have seen few cars that do. I had a Ford Festiva that was t-boned by a 40 mph Crown Vic. Had there been a passenger in it, that person would have died. The car was flipped over onto it's side and the passenger door was touching the drivers seat. The passanger seat was folded under the door and was about four inches wide. I believe that while it would likely be killed in such a wreck, the Prius would most likely fare better than my Festiva. So far dude (or dudette if the case may be) you seem to just want to be disagreeable. What is your perfect car? The one that has no faults in your eyes? (or as few as you can get)
When I took physics, the professor said that intelligently engineered cars are designed to crumple and crush? Something about increasing the "time" of deceleration in an accident. I think it's all phooey. That guy probably drove a Prius. I agree with fish_antlers (once again, for he is truly a genius in automotive engineering). If a car isn't made from 1/2" plate, it's a real POS. I think the idea here should be to design a car that will drive "through" other cars with it's superior strength and mass. That makes the most sense to me. Mike
I've been a member of and moderator of car forums on the internet for over a decade. While you are right, the owners here can be particularly...devout...its not all that different from many other forums. My question is what is gained by you being so rude to these people and denigrating their product and basically calling them blind fools? Does it give you a tickle in your pants or something? Just leave them alone. As for crashworthiness...the car has done well in crash tests and we've seen pictures here of horriffic accidents that people have walked away from...I'm not concerned. Nor would I be in a Yaris. Toyota makes a very safe car, they always have. Why, just right now theres a thread on page 1 here about a head on with a injuries in the Prius.
Actually, the prius is the lightest mid-sized sedan on the a fair amount. Most *mid* sized sedans are in the 4000lb+ range. My SC400 which is a smaller 2 door coupe weighs 3500 lbs. The Prius weighs 2900lbs which is what most compact sedans weigh. Given the extra weight of the HSD, it's amazing it's as light as it is, but that's due to weight saving tricks all over. I'll bet most of you don't know that not only the hood, but also the rear hatch is aluminum.
OK, I just did that with my hydraulic floor jack. I'm not sure what you mean. The car didn't flex noticeably nor did metal at the lift points exhibit any sort of give.
The original post reads: debos, and fish_antlers OK, the Prius isn't the perfect car. This is a common theme here. There are countless threads about folks changing what they didn't like or didn't accept: 12V battery, suspension, wheels, tires, driver's seat, speakers, sound proofing, etc... They didn't like it, they did something about it, they engaged other members constructively during the process. Whatever is really bothering you, you haven't said. Saying that the body's construction materials are not right, is a cover up, a red herring. We can tell you're not happy. We can also tell there's more to this than you're saying. What's your real issue here? Is it that the repair bill was larger than you expected? Is it that you weren't carrying enough insurance? Is is that you were without transportation for a few days? Is it that your family members, neighbors, and/or coworkers laughed at you for buying your Prius, and now they're openly mocking you?