not even a glaze wax? or carnuba? it only takes 30 mins to put on by hand, prius is so small. wella nyway glad you won, i cant talk though, i have become lazy again and only wax every few months..but when i do it's a big stupid ordeal...that obsessive side
It will take me more than 30 minutes, guaranteed (everything takes me longer than it is supposed to). I have to work around all the vinyl graphics by hand, or mask them off before using the polisher. One of the virtures of a white car, is it does not require as much (nor does it respond to) polishing, etc. Opposite end from black which takes a lot of work to get right, but can get incredible depth to the shine. But I am gonna do it. Real Soon Now.
Well, since YOU voted for the police car, and the owner of it probably voted for the police car... they probably got two votes for it, and the rest for you ... You are :first: in my book!
After a year of learning everything on my own, I found the guide I was looking for from Palmieri Concepts. They have an E-book which covers pretty much everything I have put together by observing others and flying by the seat of my pants. There are also a number of articles on the site that cover most of what is in the book if you do not want to lay out the 12 bucks to get it in an accessible and complete package. In case anyone stumbles on this thread in pursuit of this knowledge, this is where I would point them, in addition to the Detailing Forums by Autopia or Mother's. Even with a year's experience, I picked up a few ideas from this book.
Maybe you just need a little persuasion, if you were packing one of these you could convince them to give you first place. Or vaporize the competition. It's really up to them, you are a resonable man.
Nice work! I've been in a number of shows so far this year. These shows don't have judging, so no placings to report (I've started avoiding shows that require money to attend). I did get several comments such as: "Really, it's a year old and you drive it daily and all winter? How do you keep it so clean?" Answer, I CLEAN IT, everywhere, including under hood. I use Zaino on Pearl. A bonus with this product is after a highway trip the bugs usually just rinse off! Though on the last trip I must have caught a fairly large rock - it put a 1/16" dint in the front of the aluminum hood. THAT won't rinse off! Scuff marks on the plastic interior can easily be removed with the Mr. Clean "magic eraser". Tar and tree sap can be removed with varsol, though you will then have to rewax/polish that area. So far I estimate I have sold 10-15 Prius for Toyota! I usually let those really interested sit in the car and I even turn it on for them. When I show them the cargo setup in the hatch with the storage for the cargo cover, it's the coup de gras!
Drove to Stamford NY to a Rotary Club Antique car show. They had some nice oldies there that I had not seen before. I entered the "Special Interest" category. The folks next to me were commenting that they had never seen somebody spend so much time and work setting up at a car show. (They just parked their car pulled out their folding chairs and sat down.) The display continues to improve, but still needs some refinement. I took home second place, again. First place this time went to VW bug. I did not get a close look at it or its documentation to find out why it was so special. But it was better than coming in second to a police car. The trophy case is starting to get crowded. On to HybridFest !!
Done it again Envy Frenzy is the Kingston NY car show that was my first car show last year. I returned this year, and they had a new category: 4 door Toyotas. Since I was the only one in the class, I once again win a trophy for showing up. Details will appear in Commander's log eventually.
w00t! Was thinking of you tonight - I was in Rockport browsing the shops and I spied a marshmallow launcher you could use. Says it will launch them 30 feet.
The Showboard At a car show, a show board is a significant part of the display and is one element that will differentiate your vehicle from the others, and attract more attention to yours. Here's mine.