I named my new Prius C "Tina the Toyota" before that I had "Chrissy the Chrysler" my boyfriend has "Mitzy the Mitsubishi" yeah we're crazy =)
^ I have looked up on Fuelly what people tend to call their c's (went through about 100 cars); it looks like the most popular human name is "Betty" and its spelling varieties, although it's hard to tell whether those are diminutives of Elizabeth or Bethany, or neither, or both.
^ possibly; unless he takes a subtle jab at a certain Nissan vehicle: "Why settle for a Leaf if you can have the whole Tree for half the price".
My previous car, a white 1998 Civic, was officially R2-D2, but I usually just called it “my baby”. For my newly purchased 2013 Moonglow C2, I thought it should have an official name as well. I’m going with Mr. Sparkles for several reasons. I wanted to go with something goofy and ridiculous, because that's who I am (think classic Star Trek, Napoleon Dynamite, MST3K, Mac and Me, Godzilla movies up to 1975). The name comes from the Simpsons episode where Homer sues a Japanese dishwashing detergent company because he thinks they stole his likeness for their logo (named Mr. Sparkle). It turns out Homer is wrong and that his head just happened to look like the combination of a light bulb and a fish that the company used to design their logo. D’oh! Also, the Moonglow paint does have sparkly bits in it. Additionally, I figure the C is perhaps the least aggressive vehicle on the road (maybe the Mirage or i-Miev would be less so), and I am totally OK with non-aggressive by the way, so I thought it needed a name that was non-aggressive. As an alternate name I’m going with Minya. This is the ridiculously goofy son of Godzilla from the 1967 movie “Son of Godzilla”. As I mentioned before, I am a huge fan of Godzilla movies, and the C is Japanese of course, but it didn’t feel right naming it after one of the huge, powerful monsters in the Godzilla series except in an ironic way (maybe Monster Zero). The C is the junior version of the liftback and the V. The Japanese name for the son of Godzilla is Minilla (or Minira), and maybe if I had the Japanese Aqua, I’d go with that, but since I have the US re-named C, I thought is also appropriate that I go with the US-version Minya. Clearly I have spent way too much time thinking about this. I’ll probably just end up calling it “my baby” anyway.
Named our cars? sure. The Camry is named "The Camry" and the Prius will be named "The Prius" Put me in the second group myself! I have enough trouble remembering the names of humans I know, I go for something easy when it comes to cars and objects in general...