Diane Whitmore initially offered me $500.00 below MSRP, to only change her mind hours later to strictly MSRP, no discount. I ended up going to another dealer who beat both of her offers.
Any reason given for Ms. Whitmire to change the offer ? She seems a good salesperson and is well liked at PC. Carl
She's a good salesperson, and I would have bought had it not been for the $. It was the day after cash for clunkers was almost suspended. Things were a little crazy at all the dealerships.
Prius IV w/ solar, $400 over invoice. Found that deal through the American Express Auto buying program. Offered by one dealer in my area, one other agreed to match it, 2 others didn't even try to touch it. Bill
No discount at my dealer, it was the last one they had. BUT, I traded my '94 Jeep in the cash for clunkers program and got $4500 for it. That was a good deal because the Jeep had a trade-in value of about $1700. So we "effectively" got a discount of nearly 10%. I was only using the Jeep for sloppy days, my daily driver is a BMW rag-top. And the Jeep had slight leaks at the crankshaft seals and a more significant leak and what appeared to be the transmission oil cooler. If not for the cash for clunkers program, we probably would not have considered buying a new car. We originally wanted a Camry hybrid but there are none of those anywhere. We were lucky to find the Prius.
I have a friend in Dallas, Texas who got a IV w/solar for $2,000 under sticker. I got a III w/Solar and tried to get them to come off sticker... even pretended to leave the lot, but they stuck to sticker in Los Angeles. So I paid it. I've never paid msrp on a car before. I typically pay $3000 to $4000 below sticker.
Do you know which dealer you friend went to? I am in Austin, TX and wouldn't mind to drive up to get the car for $2k under sticker. Thanks!
Package II, base at 400 under MSRP. Quoted a week + ago and honored today when they found me a vehicle to buy. Los Angeles area.
Dealer in Huntsville, Al came off $499.00 on July 17 on a II after I threw a hissie fit about a $699.00 Toyo Guard package that was on the sticker john
Who did you go with? I tried to contact Diane and she did not return my call. It was as soon as Cash for Clunkers started again so I guess she is too busy. Thanks
Got my 2010 III for $586 below MSRP, plus a $4500 C4C trade (with a KBB trade value of $3000), so I think I did pretty good. Of course I don't have it yet pending the C4C going through. Hope it doesn't take too long! This will be our second Prius; we still also have our 2001 1st Gen! I'm curious how dbz got one AT INVOICE? So the only profit the dealer made was the dealer holdback, which is about $545 on a V? Why would they do that on a brand new model year, especially where the Prius is so sought after? Unless the dealers are having a tough time moving the Vs because of the price point? Whatever the case, you got quite the deal! Congrats!
What dealership? Please everyone tell the dealership so that we might all partake of these great deals.
I haven't found a Dealer in VA willing to go bellow MSRP and wouldn't you know as soon as I take the vehicle off the lot I will lose thousand's...:tsk:
No deals here in central Wisconsin (Wausau). I placed my order this morning after two days of negotiations, mostly re: my trade in. I'll be paying full sticker on a IV w/ solar roof option. It looks like my wait will be 2-3 months. The dealer didn't even have a car available for a test drive. It'll probably look like a good deal when I get back to my home in Naples this November and check out what kind of regional additives the dealer there is utilizing. I know it won't be pretty. Buzz
How recent are these below MSRP deals? What's the best price anyone's gotten in the last week? With or without cash for clunkers? Easy sale or hard negotiation? Give us some color...
$502 below MSRP on a Prius II yesterday at Carmax in Kenosha, WI. I'm surprised they aren't going for over MSRP right now, given how hard they are to find in stock in the Chicago area. Most nearby dealers have orders on many of those they expect for the rest of the month. -edit: price was independent of trade-in, no cash for clunkers credit and no financing to cloud the issue. Price was listed online and Carmax is generally not known for negotiating much on vehicle prices.