She definatly needs exercise as much as possible, walking an hour or two per day is a good start and a treadmill for bad weather days is a plus. Encourage a good balanced diet, the American Diabetes Association produces an exellent cookbook. Monitering blood glucose is also a must, while the regular testers you see would be the best there is available an at ome A1C test that I'm told is quite good. None of these of course is a substitute for regular checkups with her doctor. While she is at her doctor, I'll bet (s)he would be more than happy to give her a wealth of publications on how to deal with diabetes. Finally the most important aspect is encouragement and positive support. This of course is not to the extent of becoming a PItA.
WHAT! darn thing just keep growing back or what?!?! Some surgeons will just cut off the entire foot instead of piece by piece just to prevent these repeated returns. Just like for Brease Cancer instead of a lumpectomy they will do a mastectomy and sometimes even take the other one also because stats show that it's gonna happen anyway. Wildkow
I am diabetic but don't sweat it too much. What can you do, I figure. I do avoid what I am suppose to avoid, and all, but I will tell you, there is no way to give up all sugar, as far as I am concerned... It's in a lot of foods I love to eat. And since I can't tell you when I will die (could get hit by the bus tomorrow) why worry? Worry just makes things worse. It's a short life. Enjoy it while you can.
Education? I work in it. School boards believe PE is not important for our kids. Furthermore, diabetes is not just a fat person's disease. I know many people that inherited it genetically and they were thin. I pay plenty of taxes so FREELOADERS get everything for nothing in return. All I need is supplies and generic meds at this time. You sound like a very heartless person. I suppose you support illegal aliens getting free medical treatment in our hospitals paid for by me and you. Until someone close to you gets diabetes type 2 or 1 you have no idea what you're talking about. I suppose you never use your medical ins. for meds, or any supplies for any ongoing medical condition. My wife pays over $130.00/mo. to have me on her Blue Cross. We get nothing from Uncle Sam. Why would anyone want to pay for heallth insurance and not get to use it? it's like homeowner's insurance in S FL is getting to be. People are paying through the nose for ins. When they need to file a claim usually the hurricane deductible is so high they get nothing. Then, if they do get paid they are dropped soon there after. I have always paid my way for everything. What's your story? Are you someone that would deny a person with a chronic illness enough care to keep working, paying taxes, and having some quality of life? Would you rather pay for the complications of diabetes? It's going to cost the US either way. I say do the right things. The school boards say ther'e no money for PE and it's not necessary for our youth. But, they'll spend a fortune on subjects like algebra. I've never used algebra since taking it 30 years ago. PE is so imp. for our youths. They are so out of shape & overweight. Their parents are no better. If you saw what they eat for breakfast alone you'd puke. Don't blame people like me for something I didn't deserve or want. I pray for a cure to diabetes every day. How can you expect people to take responsibility for their actions when our entire govt. is made up of f--k ups? The bill i'm referencing is cruel and intended to save the greedy ins. cos. money at the expense of innocent, sick people. Did you know that a diabetic can die from getting the flu or a bad cold? Our immune systems are weak and we are suceptible to infections, cuts, and numerous other minor health conditions that could escalate to death. Now, do you think any of us like being stuck with this horrible, cronic illness? Diabetes can turn on me anytime it gets a mind to. Perhaps you could pray for us instead of talking about responsibility.
Doc, When was the last time you took a good look at the kids in all age groups in our public schools? Many are out of shape, overweight, and eat nothing but unheathy garbage. The school board here thinks P.E. is not needed and more money should be spent on algebra instead. What are your toughts?
They are trying to pass the bill. Insurance companies want to pay for less and less, but they keep raising the premiums. They are nothing more than scumbags like all other large corporations. Walmart come to mind as I write this post. They have been screwing their employees out of decent medical coverages for years. There seems to be no justice for people that are sick through no fault of their own. Not everyone is fat that gets diabetes type 2.
I am posting a couple of graphs from UpToDate, a well respected Internal Medicine General textbook -- partly in answer to Walker1, and partly for general consumption. I've copied a paragraph from the Umich medical website that I think summarizes the environmental side of Type II diabetes nicely. Note that asians likely have underlying generic predispositons to diabetes similar to hispanics -- meaning high, and more than caucasions -- --- Recent reports in the literature highlight an increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes in youth, particularly in members of minority groups. Data about APIA youth are scarce, but trends among Asian youth may indicate future trends in the larger group. For example, studies of Japanese school children in Japan show a dramatic increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Incidence in 1976 was 0.2 per 100,000 children; incidence in 1995 was 7.3 per 100,000. Junior-high-age children had an incidence of 13.9 per 100,000, which was nearly 7 times the rate of type 1 diabetes in the same group. Researchers attribute the increase in incidence to changes in food habits and rising rates of obesity. ---- A 35 fold jump in prevalance in 20 years. Exercise, stay slim, and eat healthy.