Thanks, but as stated I already did the window shopping. What have/do you and others personally use...and recommend based on that use? That's the info I need.
I only used chains on a car in Colorado, before the Eisenhower Tunnel was completed to get up over Loveland Pass and a couple of times to get up Berthoud Pass during snow storms in the very early morning hours to get first tracks in powder. That was 1971. Even though there are several patterns of chain available, I imagine that any that was made to fit the Prius wheel properly would do fine. They would all offer plenty of traction.
With prices ranging from $30 to $400 though, it's still nice to get "first hand" it specifically and currently applies.
Still have not bought chains yet...hint, hint...but can confirm there is a 3-4 mpg hit to mpg with steel wheel/Blizzak MS80 combo. This is acceptable considering the new tires, weight increase and the slip and slide option.