one of those overgrown forest rats murdersuicided my 2016 Prius this summer. I've had a couple of more close calls since. Just the other night driving home from work I thought I saw 1 crossing way ahead and slowed down and sure enough as I got to that spot 2 more jumped out. If I hadn't slowed down after seeing that first one in the distance I would have creamed the 2nd one.
I can definitely confirm that the pedestrian detection part of LSS works for forest rats. Driving home on a 55mph 4 lane highway in early November a forest rat popped out of the divider and the MID disappeared under a big red screen with BRAKE in bold white letters. The NXh and I both applied the brakes at the same time and the forest rat continued on her merry way just walking like she expected us to stop for her. The cool thing about this whole incident is we were in the right lane being passed on the left and the NXh still picked up the almost deer departed. The guy on our left was ahead of us, saw it and started braking before I did. We ended up tied for space left. iPad ? Pro