Had my first brush with Prius road rage the other day (first time in almost 3 years of ownership). Not just any day, but Christmas morning! We were on our way to my sister's house going 50 in a 45 mph zone (two lane road) when a guy passes me while laying on the horn the entire time. He then extended his arm out the window of his Corolla and flipped me off. We both remained calm and imagined maybe he was denied seeing his children on Christmas morning (or something worse). We'll never know. Still no dings or any vandalism to my car whatsoever, but I've probably jinxed it now.
But only within certain bubbles on the far right, of those unaware of how many other right wing folks have long been driving Prii too. In my area, those particular bubbles popped a long time ago. Though plenty of other bubbles remain, all the way around the political spectrum ...
hill - my monitor is only a 17", that camo wearing dude in the back of the truck is a decal? Awesome if it is! I like the sticker idea too, with 180 degree opposite viewpoint on it. Another could be 'On call Dial-A-Weed delivery vehicle. Supplying your suppliers'..they wouldn't attack that. Very best wishes for a safe, happy and vandalism free New Years Eve.
yep! lots of clever artwork (much of it 'see-through) nowadays that will make your vehicle sorta look occupied - but, not so much if it's a 7.62 magnum sniper rifle carrying dude though. How about one of these see through window screens for your rear passenger car? .
I would hardly say it was because you were driving a Prius. That exact scenario has played out on me in cars since I got my drivers license. Heck, I'm guilty of doing it myself
That read completely in character with this, lol: Trivia: I was maybe in my 50's before it dawned on me that that was Peter Sellers as well...
Gun stickers, snipers and Trump...then the extreme Left crowd would be the one's keying your car...well using some peoples logic anyway. Have a happy new year everyone.
The movie is one of my all time favorites. Quoting the Dr. himself here's something from the movie possibly appropriate to this thread: The movie has long been one of my favorites. Hmm - here's a somewhat appropriate quote from the Dr. possibly of use in this thread. Th by dubit posted Jan 1, 2019 at 7:06 AM
That's what I was thinking. I've never put a bumper sticker on a car. No matter what is says, someone will take umbrage. It's the new national pastime.
Troll snowflakes on twitter. Your guaranteed laugh. It's almost a pastime for lots of folks these days.
Yeah have the blue ray. I recall watching it in high school, they brought in a reel-to-reel projector, 16mm I guess.
I looked at the pix. Not sure that's intentional vandalism. It looks more like some lady person put those bags on the back of your car and later pulled rather than lifting them off. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
That seems very plausible to me. I remember thinking at one point that they would probably be bigger and deeper if they were malicious.
Landon, am in agreement too. There seem to be a lot of people who don't care about personal property. The rear spoiler on a Gen 3 makes an excellent pause point for those carrying stuff. Our last car was a good example. Used to be my wife's mothers, she got dementia, we got the car. All over the hood on the drivers side were swirl marks. She used to put her bag down on the hood to find her car keys.
Funny story but I've bungee corded 6 packs of water to my rear wiper so it would be nearly frozen when I got home. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.