Oklahoma is notorious for coal rolling echo-car haters. If you can't consider moving, you can do what we did and install a 2-channel Cloud capable set of video cameras. They come in handy if there's a fake accident, a real accident, vandals, even dishonest cops that might pull you over. .
You're right of course Forced out of EPA, Scott Pruitt promotes coal exports - Portland Press Herald These Are The 10 Most Dangerous States In America For 2019 - RoadSnacks .
Regardless one's station in life or what they think of themselves, blanket negative statements about where others live and attaching blanket stereotypes is wrong. Using your logic, if property and/or personal attacks happen say in CA...then one could say it's because they are known for being Gay, Liberal, illegal aliens...or TN...it's because they are known for being a bunch of inbred ignorant hillbillies. But we both know that's not true...just like OK folks are not bunch of coal rolling echo-car haters because this guy's car got messed with at this particular Walmart. Even NH has places you might not want to park your car. Vandals exist everywhere.
This might be true on the v like you have (I've never looked at one close up), but the Gen 3 Liftback has holes/locating pins on all badges, side and rear. Here's a picture from another thread, pins marked with yellow tape:
For this car, it would be the rear Prius badge only at this point. Possibly only as a curiosity and fun exercise. As some have said, it could be too identifiable anyway. A line of thought is to chop off the 'US' on the end, put the S at the front, then 3D print an N and T. SPRINT I'd say it's easy to generalise, human nature that one and OK is definitely a sideways sliding state. There is a huge meth problem around here though and we only moved here in 2008 because we bought our house with cash, due to the housing crash. We have a theory we'll end up in Florida, simply sliding down along with our body parts as we age. hill - the cloud camera idea is a cool one. I have home security here, multiple Orange Pi's with USB webcams, on WiFi. They're like Raspberry Pi's only cheaper and faster...and not as easy to use. The size makes them excellent for hiding in plant pots (or with the new Oklahoma ruling, pot plants). Local storage is the way at the moment, but am intending to get them streaming on Youtube as a 'Private' stream. Without a cellphone data plan, it negates streaming from the car to a store, as well as online, as we walk around. But, I do like that idea.
oh please - with the alarmist hysteria ..... we lived in Compton years ago - & no one denies there aren't good people there - any more than the Southwest area of Nashville has some of the most wealthy people in the state, nor that the east side of the city has some of the most dangerous. So QUIT with the 'vandals exist everywhere' obvious blurb - as if anyone doesn't know the obvious - & so we better not speak such things. Wealthy areas have criminal elements (duh), & areas known as dangerous have non-violent folk (duh). To ignore the likelihood of ones enviornment is not a blanket steriotype. Just the opposite. Such naiveté gives evidence of folk that are easily victimized. Jeez. You think THIS photo came from Silicon Valley? There are more important 'causes' than being an alarmist - champion'ing words / ideas that one can find some way to interpret as being politically Incorrect. Even so, when or if I ever ruffle someone's sensitivities - I apologize. .
Debadging would be a nuisance but it is certainly worth trying. You could also always be the car parked farthest from the store if you are OK walking more. If there are badges that it would be hard to remove, well can you find something that would go completely over the existing badges and just bury them away? Trying to link a picture of a "Redneck Limited Edition" badge off Ebay, but my link-foo is weak today 8-(
Re, the blocking in the superchargers pic. My bet is a Tesla owner was behind the 6 coal barges sinking in Ohio. Update: Six barges carrying coal have sunk into the Ohio River Yeah Ken, that's another cheap test idea, for the tailgating and such. Simply spray up a piece of card in the body colour and stick it over the badges. Speaking of which though, back in the UK I had great results with coloured car waxes, for filling in scratches. Are they similarly available all over the place in the USA and do they give good results? I've no idea about metallics and whether they are effective on them.
Alarmist Hysteria. This guy lives/shops in a bad neighborhood. "There is a huge meth problem around here though..." That transcends all demographics. Drug Use by State: 2018’s Problem Areas We could do this all day long Hill...but to what end. FWIW, I grew up in Oakland...not the good part either. Take it to Fred's kiddie room. Slider2732, re/de badging will change nothing when it comes to your's or anyone else's vehicle getting vandalized...regardless who is doing it.
"I'm getting yelled at for the truck I drive." No, he was getting yelled at for extended idling while parked.
Just about every vehicle I have owned has been "keyed" or dinged...and usually at a grocery store. Not all Prius owners are idiots (like this lady) and neither are all truck owners. To simply assume a Prius only gets vandalized in OK by coal rollers is like assuming all Prius owners are Democrats and drive to slow. Those assumptions, judgments and actions and are wrong.
ergo as previously stated - without an eyewitness the dashcam is the way to go. Nothing better than catching scumbags like this; We had our Leaf keyed at Pep Boys ~5yrs ago, & as the person left, we got their license number as well as their face. Bam. You can see in the fine print at the bottom of this video caption the cameras are the older 500 series BlackVue relaying video - even for mere motion, which we had, only ours was the 650 model. You got to love it when people are too stupid to notice there's a video camera with its active light running. On a somewhat snarky humorous level some acts of vandalism do make you smile. Consider an example from Norway; Maybe I should caveat, in case everbody doesn't know, not all Norwegians are vandals. .
Bob - I'm not letting my wife see that Nimbus 3000 badge! Mind you, it wouldn't gain the full reaction of a 'Hyrule Synergy Drive', or 'Toyota Zelda'. Never mind a dolphin on roller-skates, it would be the Hyrule Loach on roller-skates! She does happen to be Norwegian by descent, so the fun vandalism above raised a smile. I think our cars likely have as bad a chance of remaining in mint condition as drone owners have of enjoying their hobby. I fly a micro quadcopter with FPV camera onboard, but haven't the faintest wish to do more than fly around the backyard. My own backyard that is.
"Don't touch me" - Don't you dare touch me" lol There are so many videos on YouTube about Prius drivers. Woman like this are the reason why.
I stand corrected. I based my answer on my experience with my Gen-2, 2008 rear hatch, in which the Hybrid Synergy Drive emblem and the word "Toyota" did not have guide holes. Obviously that changed. This thread has pics that clearly show the holes in the Gen-3.
I really think that driving a Prius, unlike almost any other car, is seen as a strongly left-wing political statement, particularly by those on the far right. Given the current political polarization, it's probably for the better that their anger is taken out on your car. It may be possible to defuse this with a strategically placed bumper sticker or two. If you can't stomach a MAGA sticker, this one is my favorite: It's also relatively inexpensive Gas Savings Decal
Well - if you want to mix gas savings & guns, you get a side or rear window see-through screen like one of these bad boys. That might cause people with vandalism intent to move on to another victim ~ .