As others have mentioned, get online and request a quote from every Toyota dealer in your area. Also, let every dealer know that you are requesting a BEST price from every other dealerships. Compitition is a wonderful thing. I did this after I had ordered my 2010 @ MSRP from a dealership and then ask them to match the best price I got, $952 under MSRP. During this email volley with the dealerships, I would reply to the higer prices with an email saying that another dealer had beat their price by "hundreds". I then recieved another email with a price, generally hundreds less. I never gave them exact numbers because I wasn't intrested in a price match between the 3-4 dealerships, but the absolute lowest price. 48 hous after I began, I contacted the dealership that had ordered the car from the docks in LA. I wish I could have seem the look on their face, but just to hear a car salesman speachless...PRICELESS! PS. That dealership also had an '09 with 7K with an asking price of $26,999. The new '10 II MSRP is $23,150 in my area. I got the same studdering answer when I ask why it was 1000's more than a new one.
MSRP = $24,350 Less Trade In of $13,350 Bal = $11,000 Tax = $811.25 plus Dealer fee and inspection Cash Price Delivered = 11,908.75 $500 deposit balance owed on lease trade = $16,017 2009 Honda Civic LX 7100 miles total $27,425,45 = 75 mos @ $372 Hope this helps Thx Bob
Bob, I can't help you. It seems from your message that you had a Honda and you owe money on that Honda, so you have to pay off the Honda loan/obligation/lease. I am not sure whether it is a loan or a lease. This is a bit complicated for me. The cash price on the Prius seems about right. Not the greatest but then it seems to be close to what I am paying. I have no comment on the other stuff - too complicated for me. Because it seems like you are buying a 25K car but have to pay around 27K to remove prior obligations. Keep in mind what I said about a chance that the car will wear out before your loan is over. [I added this by edit. I re-read my post and it seems terse. I provide my suggestions with the utmost respect for the poster. I am, in no way, approving or disapproving the move - it is not my place and I honestly don't know.. Bob, good luck, live long and prosper - and you and I are paying about the same price for the car so I guess it is not that bad.]