Dealer tries so hard to rip me off

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by Zaxcom, May 30, 2009.

  1. Steve Cebu

    Steve Cebu New Member

    Apr 30, 2009
    Concord, NH
    2010 Prius
    You pay $120 and that gets you free updates for the life of the unit! They upgrade the maps 4 times a year, so if you pay $120 and own it for 3 years that's 12 updates! :D
    Yes you download the maps, but if the maps ever get too big (a couple of years later) for the internal memory then you have to put the maps on a SD card. But those are cheap enough now.
    This is true with all GPS units.
    I think to upgrade once when you buy the unit it's free for 2 months. Then 1 upgrade is like $69, so worth it to buy the lifetime upgrades.
    Just a thought.

    As far as paper maps go. I use them but my wife isn't as good with paper maps. Hard to read a map and drive in unfamiliar areas for her. So a GPS makes sense eespecially a hands free.
    The Garmin 885T is on sale at for under $500!