Some days it would be nice to have a Prius Super Death Ray (PSDR) button to zap those assholes who cut you off on purpose or just because they are a genuine idiot Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
One guy today made a left, through a stop sign, where I had to hit the brakes and then, he gives me the stink eye. I gave him my opinion of his driving.
Push a button to call in a drone to drop a hellfire missile on the offfeding car. SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 ? 2
Thanks, that explains it. My car is a 2011. I'd thought that all Toyotas have had DRLs for years. I stand corrected.
Since NJ law (and perhaps many other state laws) require headlights on whenever windshield wipers are in use, I find DRL's especially convenient.