My personal experience is that dark cars can "disappear" against the background of the road even in sunny conditions. tree shadows also can trick the eye. DRL or headlights can negate this.
The evidence for the protective value of seat belts is so conclusive that anyone not using them is being deliberately obtuse and stupid.
So it is for not smoking, no drinking, and no illegal drugs. Folks who abstain from all harmful substances are in minority I think. But, for the record, I always wear seat belts and brainwashed my kids to do the same. I wonder if bisco tells his kids to use seat belts or not.
For those of use who already kept the headlights (in non-DRL cars) turned on full time for daytime visibility, the LED DRLs are more than an order of magnitude improvement in energy efficiency of this function. Large portion of the U.S. have similar dim daylights. Even neglecting climate that brings months of heavy overcast, there are large populations here in the 'lower 48' that are actually north of the capital city of Canada. Where in the U.S. do motorcycles commonly split lanes? While this was commonly witnessed during my recent stay in Italy, I rarely see it in my home region. And the few who do behave in this fashion tend to simultaneously display other severely life-shortening behaviors.
Seatbelt laws are for those people who don't have the common sense to protect themselves and their passengers.We wouldn't need these laws if they weren't so necessary. Human beings are the most ignorant animals on the face of the Earth. Therefore, we have to have laws to protect the ignorant. Then there are the ones that go beyond ignorance and defy the law. These are the irresponsible, stupid ones. As far as DLR's are concerned: If you have them, use them. Any way you can make your present more obvious while driving is a good thing.
Motorcycle lane splitting is legal in California. It's pretty nerve racking to hang your arm outside the window and a motorcycle rushes by you. My coworker doesn't wear a seatbelt. My friend sometimes doesn't as well. My dad tucks the shoulder belt behind him. I've scolded all of them, repeatedly. But none listen. Airbags work with seatbelts. You may be hurt by the very device that was invented to save you because you weren't in the right position at deployment. I pray that Bisco is kidding or will eventually come around. Study: Airbag Use Without Seatbelt Increases Injury Risk -- Occupational Health & Safety
no. i told taught them to drive carefully and defensively. they tell me to wear the seatbelt. but they're all democrats and enjoy rules and reguation.
Well, that's a relief. Things are moving in the right direction. I think we should retitle this thread to "let's discuss bisco's seat belt use." And for the record, I'm now driving with my DRLs on. They are pretty non-descript and somewhat cool looking. Digging how fast LEDs are improving and seem to be available everywhere!
Right here in California. They never follow the guidelines, like not splitting lanes going 10+ mph over the flow of traffic or when the flow of traffic is over 30 mph, but the police don't do anything about them so they get away with it. I suggest you don't move to California as you'll think all of them display severely life-shortening behaviors.
Is the a way to enable DRL in 2010 US Prius? Canadian have them turn on, right? Edit: I did a few searches and no easy solutions.
OEM DRLs use existing bulbs, so it's common in other cars to enable them by installing missing relay, fuse, or such. Apparently not that simple in Prius. What aftermarket DRLs do you use?
sorry, didn't mean to create a firestorm. don't worry about me, worry about the people you hear about in car crashes everyday. drunks, speeders, reckless drivers, tailgaters, texters, people lost in phone conversation, blah, blah, blah.
xliderider has done a 50% power highbeam DRL mod, but it's not something that you simply enable. I have the difficult to get Revier JDM DRL corner lamps and fog lamps with CCFL rings that serve as dedicated DRLs. No problem. We'll start to worry when you haven't posted in a while
I have plenty of other reasons for not moving to California. The practice of lane splitting is specifically illegal here in Washington: Is motorcycle lane splitting legal? "“If someone is to observe this happen I would recommend calling 911 to report the aggressive motorcycle,” [State Patrol Trooper Dan] McDonald said."
Rather than make it illegal, I'd prefer a law that allows lane splitting only when traffic is at standstill or going slower than 10 mph. Too many riders abuse the guideline of not lane splitting when traffic is moving faster than 30 mph and I regularly encounter motorcyclists who zoom past me when I'm going 65 especially on ramps.