I use my 2010 Prius headlights as DRL's and have factory DRL's in another vehicle. But as I follow this thread I can't help but think of an irony -- My Prius DRL's help other drivers see me, but to a great extent I cannot see other vehicles because of the Prius' blind spots.
no, serious. am i in the minority? i'm not much for mandated safety, i'd rather drive carefully to protect myself from the nuts driving insanely with their seat belts on.
i see people in crashes too, it's the way they drive. you can't miss it if you're even slightly observant.
Wow, I... as a citizen of this atmosphere must inform you that I'm not comfortable knowing, you, knowingly, are fraudulent concerning a national mandate, as I'm a "timetraveller" (I can fix most typing mistakes ) I'm informing you that relaxing isn't allowed, always be vigilant, no sloughing off of the "seat" belt, incorrectly named btw, it's a shoulder belt, must be another anomaly left over from a 4 bite world (windows 3) . Did you get a nude (no belt) male end and permanently install it in the female end? The noise of an unattached belt is a deal breaker if you forget the sucker... Makeup is just one hand, I really fear drum sets in cars, Ok, people on the phone usually aren't paying attention 100%, for them I wear a seat belt, air bags are nice, a seat belt will keep you secure if you have to make high torque moves, to avoid stupidity Never had to but more and more of them appear, like ZOMBIES
if it makes anyone feel better, my wife makes me wear it when she's in the car. especially sice i got a $160. ticket in new york for not wearing it.
I wouldn't be caught dead not wearing a seatbelt! I have kissed a windshield in my youth, thankfully I survived, then came seatbelts! Thank You! As far as DRL's go, I did not have them on my Gen II, so I came up with a mod! They work for me, and continue to work! How about 60 LED DRL and Turn Signal in one bulb! | PriusChat
wel look, we all kissed the windshield in our youth, (among other things) but we get older and wiser, don't we?
It's your life. You can treat it anyway you want but at the end of the day if you are in a crash while driving carefully and your injuries could have been prevented by wearing your seat belt you will have no one to blame but yourself. A judge may see it that way when considering compensation as well. But at least you can say " I did not surcome to mandated security"
I still have a small chunk of glass in my upper lip..... How it happened is a story unto itself, but we all survived! I had fun at College in the 70's! Quit frankly, I am freakin amazed I'm still alive!!!
When you are in a vehicle traveling 60 mph, without a seatbelt you are nothing less than 200 lb (or what ever you weigh) projectile. And, don't ever think defensive driving is going to be your saving grace.
i can't argue with this logic, thanks for respecting civil disobedience, even if eric holder disagree's with me.