A factoid I have in my head is that 98% of Saab owners voted for George McGovern for POTUS in 1972. Now there is liberal bias! http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/16/automobiles/autospecial/16SWEDE.html?_r=0 I campaigned for McGovern, but never owned a Saab.
Have anyone here ever taken the political compass test? I did awhile back to my surprise the result said I was politically independent neutral but slightly to the left! The Political Compass - Test
I honestly don't think I drive my Prius any differently than I drove any of my other cars, I don't drive super aggressively, but I'm not actively hypermiling either. (as my lifetime 44.x MPG average would indicate) But I certainly see the creep-away-from-every-light-and-hold-up-traffic-type Prius drivers often enough so I wouldn't be surprised if some people have developed negative feelings against them and decide to drive differently around them.
There could be some validity to this perception -- just note the number of "pulse and glide" posts here.
Easy here! I do pulse&glide, but never ever block the traffic behind me. I pulse uphills and at the green lights (power zone if needed) and glide downhills and to the red light. I have a lifetime 55MPG to prove it (city driving).
I'm constantly going up and down hills, but I'm not sure that is the "pulse and glide" the hypermilers are talking about. On the open road, I keep a steady speed because that's how I was taught to drive and I've never felt that driving a hybrid gave me a free pass to be a p.i.t.a. to everyone else on the road.
I think that's backwards: Mass production ramping up means prices will go down. Both for new Priuses, and for maintenance due to a glut of parts everywhere.
Thanks for the political compass test. Mine was .62 & 1.23 (plus one block right and one block up from center). Always considered myself fair and understanding.
Holy crap, just took the political compass test and got: I was squarely in the middle just 5 years ago :/ And yes, I voted for Obama. Now where's this Prius users poll that was mentioned?
Well, if you call someone stupid- they get mad right? So you're driving a car that gets 50-90mpg, they're driving a car that gets 15mpg. Basically you're reminding them of their bad decision- it makes them feel stupid, so they dislike you and your Prius because you made the smart decision.
You are assuming that they are even smart enough to realize that they are stupid. I seriously doubt that they are, and instead just keep plowing $$$ into their gas tanks and maintenance costs, without understanding why they are living paycheck-to-paycheck. So the reason is likely something else. Stupidity is the #1 ingredient for ignorance (racism, homophobia, prejudice, etc), so it's still likely the cause of them being mad, but with the addition of them being ignorant/prejudiced about the Prius, rather than feeling guilt/envy (do note how many comments on that thread and UrbanDictionary sound like they are written by homophobic rednecks)
To be perfectly frank, prior to owning the Prius I was one of them, Ignorant as I would call myself. Priuses didn't really piss me off nor did I have any negative stigma against the car, just didn't appeal to me that much. I've driven them and was pretty impressed with the MPG but was not thrill about the performance. After buying the Prius it opened up an entirely different perspective of car ownership. As the direct result of this, I am selling both Porsches, and possibly the Ferrari. Counting back I couldn't believe how much money I've wasted on cars and gas.
I put my thirsty car in storage when I drove my Prius home. It was my turn for a new car and the Prius looked cool so I drove rental Prii for a while to see if I liked them. Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717