Pretty much standard procedure on Lake Erie. They do this with some regularity. Ice fisherman are not the brightest group, or at least their judgment is clouded by their love of the sport. Tom
You would need to supply really good beer to get me out on the ice. I'd rather drink on a bar stool in a nice warm bar.
I heard that one of them died. And the Sheriff of, I think, Cuyohoga County, was shown on TV yelling that he knows that one fisherman died, but the fishermen were stupid and reckless in endangering not only their lives but the lives of rescuers, that the rescue operation cost over $25,000, and that if he saw any fishermen on the ice tomorrow he was going to arrest them.
Yes, the beer. As Tom suggested, not the brightest bulbs on the tree Much like "hunters" who go out in the woods with heavy rifles they barely know how to operate, get s***faced, and - surprise! - somebody ends up dead. As long as its another hunter, no big loss. If an innocent child playing in the yard of a rural home gets shot due to loose rounds, I have a problem with that
A number of years ago, back when I lived on Lake Erie, there was another one of these mass standings of ice fishermen. Along with the fishermen were something like 22 snow machines and 2 pickup trucks. The Coast Guard rescued the people, but they don't save personal property. It's up to the fishermen to find someone willing to go out and transport their property back to shore. As dawn rose the next day, all 22 snow machines were missing. Some enterprising soul went out during the night and liberated all 22 snow machines. I suppose they thought the lot would be written off as a loss and no one would be the wiser. We lose someone through the ice almost every year. Sometimes it's ice fishermen, sometimes snowmobilers. A few years ago we had two of them drive off into open water on an inland lake. Witnesses on shore heard the tell tale "vvverrrrrrrmmmmmm SPLASH, vvvermmmmmm SPLASH" as they went in one after the other. One was saved, the other drowned. Tom
Some days I'm sure it does. "Dear husband" if I'm not mistaken. Another is SO for "significant other". Helio, is there anything about your relationship you would like to talk about?
Hmmm that was what I was wondering too. Kind of a Freudian Slip - damn husband. As an Official Cranky Bugger of PriusChat, I really need more information on this
Wow, that's a lot of baby snowmen. I always wondered where they came from. I assumed people made them in their yards, but now we know the real story. Tom
Well, we finally had our ice storm. Heavy rain started around 3:30am, at least according to my surveillance system. The camera over the garage door actually iced over and the view became opaque, despite a heated housing To say it's a skating rink is a gross understatement. Assuming the power stays on, I'm hunkering down. Events like this are the primary reason I *always* have a good stock of booze, especially gin. To answer Tom, yes, I do keep all my booze in the house
Actually, the Prius with the studded tires won't have any trouble. What I'd have to watch out for are the 4wd idiots who think they can drive in these conditions, and slide into me. So I'm staying put There are pickups, cars, transport trucks, even a fire truck, in the ditch around Winnipeg. Many schools closed, etc. I normally don't drink so early in the morning, but what the hell, not like I have to drive anywhere