Dude rear-ended me last month at a stop light. Rather than pull over, he did a U-Turn jumping over the concrete median and it was ON. I did a U at the intersection (which gave him a bit of a lead) and took off in pursuit down a four-lane divided highway with very little traffic. His POS Honda seemed to have the exact same top speed as the Prius so it was almost comical as we held the same relative position for over five minutes. With my load/configuration, the speed was a constant 110 MPH and I was surprised at how stable the Prius was. Pretty much felt as smooth as 55. I just wanted to get close enough to read his license plate. Finally he got the bright idea to turn off and started down some country roads with a bunch of curves. Since I didn't know the area, it became dangerous so I broke off the chase. Later inspection revealed almost no damage so I'm figuring he had outstanding warrants -- why else make a simple fender bender into felony leaving after colliding? The Prius does surprisingly well at high speeds.
Hmmmm... Given the thrust-to-weight ratio I'm guessing that it's electronically limited rather than drag limited. Franklin TN, huh? Be careful..... It's getting more and more crowded in middle TN
It was on 840 out in Wilson county where my parents live. It would easily do 116 but I was a chicken haha
I was on the 840 recently....and yeah. There are places you can 'safely' do a terminal speed test...... .....in a hybrid.
Passing through..... I was on my way south from Louisville, and stopped by McKay's which put me on the 40. McKays | Tennessee One of Nashville's best hidden treasures!!! After that 40/840 was a crazy long bypass around the usual Monday morning Nashville traffic snarl......but the road is so nice and quiet....and, well, I might have slightly bent the speed limit along the way...... Sometimes I'll stay on the 40 and take a scenic routing south, but I promised @bwilson4web that I'd honk at him on my way south if I passed through Huntsville, and a man hasta keep his promises..... I may or may not have also stopped by a Russel Stover outlet at x351 while I was in that part of Bama................ I put the rev limiter back on my GMC....and my employer put a tracking device on my Prius.....so no more 3-digit fun for me.... Getting too old for that kinda stuff anyway.
Drove to Phoenix last week, held my speed to 80 max, sure was passed by lots of Prii, I guess so much for fuel economy.
I managed 98 outside of Pittsburgh at night. It was quite fun but not the type of driving I would like to push the Prius again too.
Hey everyone, My top speed is at 116 mph in my 2012 prius. I've tried to hit 120, but no luck. Any tips on how to acheive a higher speed? Thanks, -Jared
Either somehow disable the electronic speed limiter (sorry, I have no clue how), or change equipment. Different car, different tires (as Jimbo) mentioned, or different something.
Ok. Dumb question. But why in the hell does somebody want to go THAT FAST?????!!!?!?!?!?! And in a Prius?????
So let's assume everyone needs a break every four hours. It doesn't matter how long the break is, the goal is to make end-of-fuel and bathroom break coincide. So if we had the fuel consumption in gallons/hour and an 11 gallon tank, we need to burn: d_mph mph MPG miles hrs 1 0 60 60.0 660.0 11.00 2 1 61 59.3 652.7 10.70 3 2 62 58.7 645.3 10.41 4 3 63 58.0 638.0 10.13 5 6 35 95 36.7 403.3 4.25 7 36 96 36.0 396.0 4.13 8 37 97 35.3 388.7 4.01 9 38 98 34.7 381.3 3.89 10 39 99 34.0 374.0 3.78 11 12 58 118 21.3 234.7 1.99 13 59 119 20.7 227.3 1.91 14 60 120 20.0 220.0 1.83
Yeah... Move and get another car. The California is noted for many things, including ultra high ticket costs as compared to normal places, and the CHIPies don't play there.. .....also there's this: If you've ever been tagged with a speeding ticket in SoCal, then you already know that there's a BIG difference between the "fine" and what you wind up paying. I used to to think that Priuses were drag limited, but some back of the envelope math now has me thinking that at least the G3's and G4's are electronically speed limited to about a buck 15. In a normal car, you can just eliminate or modify the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) but the people who decide these things make it really tough - for all of the obvious reasons. how do you disable the speed governor (limiter) in a car? That limit can be raised slightly, but really......there's only so many places in the country that you can play with something like that and I'd want to do so in another car. Good Luck!
Eastbound nearing the Barnet Hwy on Hastings last night, someone just BLEW by in the left lane. The posted speed limit is 50 kmh (30 mph). I would estimate they were doing close to double that, barely in control. We have "graduated" licenses up here; my wife managed to notice an "N" placard on the back, denotes "Novice" driver.
My understanding was that Prii were electronically limited even back when Al Gore's son was busted for DUI in a G2 at 100+. And that the G3 limit was an incremental increase over the G2.