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Crude Oil Prices Soar Near $60 a Barrel

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by Godiva, Jun 20, 2005.


    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Humor ??
  2. Darwood

    Darwood Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2010 Prius
    Yes, very funny Immanuel. Cause we all know that fast food, soda, pleasure crafts, et al are all HUGE national security concerns.
  3. deh2k

    deh2k New Member

    Jul 12, 2004
    New Hampshire
    2005 Prius
    What I think is funny is how conservatives love their subsidies, like the one on gas, but they hate paying for them. Cracks me up.

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Yea..Heart disease choleterol all from fast food and soda's and chemical in foods, cancer!!!, pollution by rich people's toys and the 2 cycle mowers Oh my god..you mean that's not threatening, endangering mankind and the earth ?and the decadent west (this country)? (hee hee)

    Like the UN has proposed, you should want a consumption tax, and the rest of the taxes are good for society and the world. Plus with all this extra money maybe we could help the rest of the world. It's a cinch it ain't gonna come from the swiss bank accounts from the current slate of world leaders.... Hey..that is how it starts..

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    I am paying for them, If I choose to use an SUV., and if I don't I'm not!!
  6. Darwood

    Darwood Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2010 Prius
    I DO like the idea of consumption tax (at least for oil based products). It promotes saving and reduces waste and also does not punish hard workers through higher income tax brackets. But the idea of a comsumption tax over income tax sends shivers down Wall-Street. Higher oil prices do too (IE: today's market close). But for some reason, a lack of planning for a future without oil is good for Wall-Street. I believe that's called a catch-22.

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Let's just stick to the economical and economically enticing solutions., ie like the Prius. To just dictate one's point of view, and force the will of the people removes freedoom that this country is great for.

    My view in all this, is let's not keep the Prius a secret or make it for the "tree huggers" excluvely, making a club, of higher and mightly folks who superiorily know what is best for all, and are just superior..that is what turns people off down here. I am proud that all of you have such great success but the key if you really want to do some good for whatever reason, is to make this car appealing APPEALING, not forced upon. The car itself in my opinion does this, now it is time for people to do it.

    Here's a post I send to a guy in Spain just today and to another post, and note the problem occuring. Specifically look at the elite class enumarated on this site..IE the I'm getting....and how all want death to GM and SUV's etc.. Common folk don't like politics thrown at them in this manner. I don't want to get to politics here, we need to save that for Fred's Pancake House.

    Here's the post:Here's a post giving you an example of my philosophy here on PriusChat.com:

    Congradulations, Sir...I am very happy, this movement is good. I am an American conservative but I do think the world and foremost this country can stand to start getting smart and using the TECHNOLOGY to better use resources.

    You will enjoy driving the car, and as you as I LEARN good driving with it, the mileage will get better. The good thing is if you cannot for some reason, try to save gas, you can just DRIVE IT and the results will still be very respectable.

    A lot of users here get incredible mileage, in Japan some get almost "miraculous" results. It all depends on how you want to handle it. I've seen posts where here in this country they put in almost 8 litters above the noted capacity, coast and apparently watch their monitors all the time and get good performance, to the point it is almost 60-80 MPG. One poster here in the USA, has from what I see slowly "streched" his bladder to put gas in, and gets 700 miles per each tank, with fill ups of 12.2 gallons and higher. I live in a humid and hot climate (Texas) very tropical, and get poor results compared to him.

    A lot live in more temporate climates, but even in my state some get good mileage. You must understand though, in this country last year over 80,000 units were sold, on this board the ones that really post good results are really into it. Nothing is free, you do have to learn and work at it. But Toyota has given you a tool to do just that, and even if you do not pay attention to it, and just DRIVE IT., you will get very good results anyway comparatively speaking.

    >>>>>here it is<<<<<<<

    Many users in my town get disappointed, and regard the GOVT ratings as gospel., this is bad because really the Govt ratings (EPA) are lab values on set conditions, not realistic., and every other car ALSO gets poor results, compared to the posted mileage for most people. I find I have to explain this very often, you see I am kind of an activists for this car in this town. I am not an environmentalist, I do believe in maintaining a good environment, but I want industry and mankind to reach a reasonable and good BALANCE. I find this car to be such an example, I never have to really sell this car to a GREEN person, but the Masses are more realistic, and I do have to sell (this car) to them. I believe in order to really do something it is better to WIN the masses over, then to just have it for the FRINGE elements.

    So in your case with gas as high as it is in Europe, it is economics (moneys) is it not ? But all in all, this car satisfies BOTH sides, that is what I really like about it.

    Best of luck to you and ENJOY, keep in touch once in awhile on this board. Technical problems - everyone helps here no matter what, and many questions and problems are solved for you here.

    Again welcome to the PRII., many milestones and luck to you always.

    <<<<post to the other >>>>

    Down here in Nederland Texas, convincing the masses is what counts. IN Austin and other places, even there the market could be better, and once Toyota does ramp up production, the worst thing would be to not have the buyers.. Toyota would then stop making them, already the CAMRY and HIGHLANDER and Lexus and Ford and others are starting to ride this train.

    The big difference, and I could already see it, is the SIZE, FEATURES (and cost) vs the MILEAGE, and the (did I already say that) incredibly reasonable price. On Prius chat, and Yahoo.. the "Green" ones proudly and rightly post incredible sucesses. But on a normal day, most Prii owners get lower mileage, simply because they just drive mostly. No matter that, upwards of 90 % of the posts and things on this PriusChat.com board, reflect what a marvel this car is.

    IF YOU really want to do the most good for this planet, you don't keep a good "secret" to yourself. Potential buyers in my area are put off by the PriusChat.com, and some even think they are being manipulated. THIS is what has to be dispelled, just as I explained it to the Spanish guy there on that post.

    I did note that a post about downloading the manual was started and shutdown by a moderator, are you the same "Phil"., and please re-fresh my memory as to exactly what you are trying to start, because so many things new to me have come across my brain I am somewhat fried..so to speak. If the project you are starting can meet some of my goals and feelings about this car, I can offer my help in anyway I can manage. I will say I am a conservative mostly, and I have taken it upon myself to project the image on the board EXACTLY as I have spoken here."

    Best Regards


    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    PS oil prices are doing it all by themselves, and note folks the TAX is computed on the COST of the commodity not the Qantity, thus as price increases so does the TAX (Federal, state-> it is state to state).

    IALTMANN New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
    Quantity..don't want to upset the english majors