Crazy Neighbors Bad Behaviour Escalating

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by priusmaybe, May 14, 2007.

  1. psneakers

    psneakers New Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hi Priusmaybe,
    I work at Pink Sneakers Productions and we are currently casting a new documentary series tentatively titled, “Life Chroniclesâ€. Each episode documents the day-to-day lives of people sharing their amazing life experiences, such as yours, as they face exceptional challenges and cope with unique situations with loud and frustrating neighbors. Since you have been directly affected by frustrating neighbors you would be great for the documentary series because you can enlighten our viewers.

    We understand that your issue is unique and sensitive and would love to show your story through a true, documentary style format to inform and educate our viewers. If you would like to share your story please contact us at [email protected] or call the Life Chronicles casting department at 407.464.2080. We thank you in advance for considering sharing your story.
  2. markderail

    markderail I do 45 mins @ 3200 PSI

    Sep 13, 2006
    Pierrefonds (Montreal) Quebec Canada
    2010 Prius
    EDIT: Didn't notice the 2007 date of first post. Most likely too late...

    Hate to say it...(might sound tacky)...but...what would Jesus do in such a situation?

    Honestly, ask a local pastor at the local (Christian) church about it.

    Weirdly enough, when you're "standing" on a solid foundation, being calm inside, predators such as those vets can usually sense it, feel that you're not a target anymore, and leave you alone.

    If they sense that they can box you in, scare you, it is amusement, and they will continue. Getting the police involved is most likely playing into their game.

    "Sufferin Prius Envy" almost had it right with giving them booze as peace offerings. Not only would that be expensive, it's not the right message.

    Often when I cook, it is easier to make a larger "batch", now that my daughter lives away from us, I make extra portions that I freeze and give her.

    Home cooked meals are a sure-fire hit. What if the last time those vets had homemade lasagna was before their Mom passed away?

    Just make sure you don't go inside their place, or invite them inside yours, as they can easily get the wrong female-to-male impression. I'd do it where they park, outside in the open, where you address them first (even if they catcall you).

    Most likely they will think it is a peace offering, and charge you with that. Say, it is because you can't make it tiny (lasagna) and don't want to eat the same thing for seven days straight. Similarly, apple pie.

    I can guarantee you that after a full stomach, if they become agressive again, and you say that because they're not being nice, you won't feel like giving them food again (say it with sadness).

    Of course you now have a leeching relationship - but if it's better that what you're going through, so be it.

    To be sure, any form of revenge will come back to you even worse.