"Cheap" doesn't always equal inferior. I buy all kinds of stuff at Costco "cheap" but it doesn't mean it's inferior quality. Quite the opposite. Costco sells brand name products (in giant size ) for a huge discount vs. other stores. And their house brands are really "cheap" compared to others. Since most gas is the same (except for additives), I assume Costco can sell for less based on their high volume business model.
Thanks for the input everyone; I guess it was only a one time thing and I should try Costco again to make sure. We are also required to have e10 at all gas stations in Washington. The only exception near me (20n miles) I have found is at the Casino near Shelton where the Indians can sell e0 gas. I have not tried to fill up there but I'm temped to see if it makes a difference. Rae Vynn must go by there everyday so maybe she can try it out. The e0 station is on the North side of the Freeway. It's the same people who require that our cars get low emission, great mileage, e10 gas, and winter blends. Not all of these go together to make a perfect balance. What they should be doing is making a blend of gas to get the most BTUs and best mileage; I'm pretty sure this can be done. Going 110 mile trip is not my idea of having fun but the wife wanted to go and I went along; what women want women get. Ended up buying almost nothing but had a very nice dinner at a Greek restaurant (Greek to me) in Puyallup on the way home. Overall a very nice drive. TED
Getting the E0, or gas without ethanol = $30.00 Shopping at Ikea = $150.00 Meal at a Greek restaurant = $120 Keeping the wife happy = priceless
I have used mainly Costco gas since 2008. They say they add their own additives and check every other day for water contamination. My 2007 Prius started to misfire on July 30,115 miles after a Costco fill-up on July 15, 2013. The MPG dropped to 20 or less, and the gas engine doesn't recharge the hybrid battery. completely. Interestingly I had a fuel-injection cleaning at the Toyota dealership in June. After trying ISO Heet to remove possible water in gas or clean fuel injectors, I got intermittent relief. I finally gave up and took it to dealer August 16 when a fill up (at Costco) didn't help. The senior mechanic, I am told, removed the head and tested the fuel injectors to find no. 4 malfunctioning. The plugs are said to be fouled. With labor at $91.88 per hour, the estimate is $775. It is recommendation is to replace the other three fuel injectors for a total of $1,275. Fuel contamination is cited. I never had a problem with Costco gas before. Don't know what to think.
I never put Costco gas in my car or Costco processed food in my stomach. Gave my membership up a long time ago.
Nice to know... i have been wondering what the Ethanol is/for here in UT.. i figured it was to help burn the fuel cleaner or something
"Not only does it take 2 gallons of diesel to make onegallon of Ethanol, which by the way has about 65,000 BTU'scompared to Diesel with 130,000 Btu's, but your taxmoney is spent to give you less mpg." Good greif, who told you that bold face lie !!?? USDA study shows modern Ethanol production, including all costs to grow , transport, convert the crops to Ethanol , produce a 34% BTU gain considering Diesel / NG BTU's in VS Ethanol BTU's out, plus there is still 17 pounds of good high protien food remaining from a bushel of grain after the conversion to Ethanol. I hope your not quoting from any of Pimentels work. His oil company sponsored study has been proven to be an outright fraud. Recent unbiased studys have shown the 34% energy gain for modern Ethanol production.. http://www.transportation.anl.gov/pdfs/AF/265.pdf
Ok i filled up with 85 costco gas... we will see what kind of MPG i get now.. i have been using the mid grade at chevron and i am up to 52mpg calculated. Ill hope for the best!
Yes, to much ethanol in it we can have up to 10% in our gas. It hurts everyone's MPG I wish I could have a station with pure gas ..............
I do not believe we have any/many similar complaints about Costco. Obviously something went haywire on your car. I remember an incident in Virginia when some folks got diesel mixed in accidently at one (non-Costco) station. That impacted quite a few custoners so you should check for any known fiasco's that may have been in the news or just ask Costco. This is rare but happens. In my area we have many major gaso stations Shell, Exxon, etc. (TopTier.com), but in many areas of the country these days there are only secondary brands like Costc0. So I would tend to think Costco is as good as any secondary brand.
Personally I have never found any real big differences in MPG when using Top Tier Gas vs. Cheap Gas, therefore I just keep using the cheapest gasoline available (ie. Costco, Arco, Pemex (Mexico), etc.) Other than that, I use a fuel system additive/cleaner (ie. Cheveron Techron Concentrate Plus Fuel System Cleaner) every 5000 miles along with a tire rotation & balance. But to be honest, the one thing I have noticed which makes a big difference for me was tire pressure. I generally get about 52 to 54MPG, when my tire pressure is set at 42psi (Front) and 40psi (Rear). I always check my tire pressure about every 2 to 3 weeks.
Hmm, it seems to me Costco doesn't own any refineries. They buy their fuel from the low bidder, but it comes from the same refinery that others fuel does. Yes, additives are put in the tanker truck when it is filled (including ethyl alcohol). But they are a very minor component of fuel and are regulated by the federal government. They don't differ as much as you'd think from brand to brand. Because most brands are pretty much the same oil companies advertise very hard to convince you theirs is "better". That is their only way to get your business from their competitors, other than lowering the price, and that would impact profits! Heaven forbid! For those of you who think the addition of alcohol to the gasoline is a negative only, keep in mind it burns cleaner and cooler. It helps to get rid of any water in the fuel. It also lowers emissions. Underground fuel tanks do corrode and eventually leak, others and Costco tanks alike. I think we have here a difference in coincidence and perhaps some mind games. Fuel is pretty much fuel, especially for a Prius.
hmm, I would have said that there is no fundamental science advantage for using oxygenates like ethanol in gasoline. With the advent of catalytic converters, gasoline does not burn cleaner with ethanol, in fact the ethanol causes some increased evaporative emissions. The only reason for using oxygenates is to create jobs, help the farmers, and reduce dependence on petroleum. It is a strategic and/or political rationale, not a technical rationale.
"Pure Gas" app on smart phone will identify suppliers; unfortunately it costs way much more than even high test.
The alcohol fuel DOES burn cleaner -in the engine-, and who cares what burns in the cat. That's wasted energy! Your political feelings are perhaps another matter.