Police have now revised their procedures. When dealing with a barricaded suspect officers are now instructed announce, "This is the police! We have you surrounded! Drop your weapons and come out with your hands washed!"
They also neglect his reasoning. He is tested regularly and is negative. He has no need to protect others by wearing a mask because he is not infected.
But he is neglecting to follow the rules of the Mayo Clinic. And by not following the rules, his example the encourages others to not follow the rules. More do as I say not as I do.
And that's a missed opportunity if there ever was one. "... to be able to speak to these researchers, these incredible health care personnel, and look them in the eye and say thank you."
(***) (***) OK...so it's not strictly a 'Rona joke, but hey....even non-NFL fans are probably "ready for some football!"
Correct. It never ceases to amaze me how people are gulled into the believe that masks protect the wearer. Generally they do not. The N-95 mask DOES offer some protection, but only if you maintain the seal around the nose and mouth. Otherwise most of the air you breath in gets in around the mask, not through it. The generic (blue) medical mask, that you see most people wearing, suffer this problem, however, you can fix it by wearing a sealing device, like a CPAP mask, over top of the mask - then most of the air you breath in will go through the mask and not around it. Just be careful you don't get the mask wet - you could accidentally suffocate.
A CPAP mask, by design is NOT a sealing device. They are requires to have vents to permit air exchange in case the machine malfunctions. I know this because I am a CPAP user. One of the issues they needed to overcome using CPAP as non-invasive ventilators was CPAP masks could not be used because they would spread the exhaled virus all around the room.
His wife gave a completely different reason on a FOX interview this morning: that he didn't become aware of the Mayo Clinic's mask policy until after leaving the site: Pence's wife says he was unaware of mask policy during visit | KOMO Mayo alerted Pence's 'Office' that masks were required, but it now seems that some staff didn't pass that up to him.
I am a CPAP user myself. I wasn't referring to using a CPAP mask alone. What I was saying was that a CPAP can be used to seal a generic medical mask by wearing the CPAP mask OVER the generic medical mask. The rubberized part presses down on the generic medical mask so that it seals around the mouth and nose. You wear the CPAP mask without the hose, solely to hold the rubberized portion in place. I use this combination every day whenever I go out to do errands, so I know for a fact that it effectively seals the medical mask. I also learned by experience about the potential for suffocation when it got wet. I tried treating the generic medical mask with Listerine. When I found that I could not breath through the wet medical mask while wearing the CPAP over it, it scared the bejeebers out of me and I ripped it off as quickly as I could. I don't recommend trying it to find out for yourself, and I certainly would not recommend using this combination while you sleep.
I have to admit, have not really followed this thread, but while doing other things, thought the opening of Holy Grail, sort of is appropriate