Re: Unreal Invention for Prius And yes, I suppose you could use pipe insulation, towels, maps, and all kinds of junk to stuff down your crack. And as I said in the other thread, you could also use an old Domino's Pizza box as a sun shade But if you want to solve the problem, and not junk up your car...then this is a pretty cool thing
Re: Unreal Invention for Prius Pipe insulation may leave a black mark on the centre box and make adjusting the seat more difficult I suspect.
Nice rings, dude. ;-) Seriously though, bro, it looks like a cool accessory. (I drop my parking pass down that crack everyday, no joke!) And I dig the commercial too. Especially the testimonials part with that Tommy Lee/Kid Rock hybrid wannabe dude. That guy would kick the Sham Wow guys butt for sure.
Re: Unreal Invention for Prius marcdare, are you that guy in the video, the clumsy one in the convertible that's so clumsy dropping things, he probably shouldn't be driving a car? Just kidding... is this your invention?
Just out of curiosity, what is everybody doing that makes them drop crap down there? When I'm in my Prius, I tend to be driving, and the only thing in my hand is the steering wheel. I have yet to drop that in between the driver's seat and the console.
Re: Unreal Invention for Prius Haha! I ain't that clumsy! and "buckled" ...very funny...i just love the was either Drop Stop, or that vibrating finger-ma-jiggy from Trojan...had to think fast
You are a better man than we Mr. StevO That would be pretty funny if you dropped your steering wheel down there...would prob be a first
Dude, don't sugar coat it... this is obviously a critical design flaw, and major safety hazard! If you inadvertently overfill the crack (through absolutely no fault of your own, mind), it can belch up coins and moldy old french fries while you're driving down the interstate, creating a potentially lethal distraction. My god, think of the children!!! I can't believe that Toyota Corporate would release this otherwise impressive car with such an obvious defect, forcing us to resort to a third-party product to correct their massive blunder. Greedy bastages... all of 'em! [Special announcement for the humour impaired... if the above was interpreted as a serious comment, you really need to get out more.]
Dude, i drop crap down there all the time! Cell card at the drive-thru... i am getting that thing right now!
I'm disgusted in the oversight of manufactures regarding this hazard. Shocking, I couldn't have said it better Landstander.
I find a small travel umbrella fits nicely between the console and the seat, below cushion level, and doesn't cause any 'drag' when sliding the seats like I suspect a piece of neoprene might. Yeah, you still have to put your hand between the seat and console to grab the dropped item. However, the umbrellas are QUITE handy in the rain, how does the DropStop work for that? ;-)
As Neoprene is what they make wetsuits out of, it is not only a "frictionless" fabric, it is also waterproof. So I don't think there would be a drag issue with this gizmo, and - if you're the size of a Smurf - it could keep the rain off your head. Anyhow, I think you're onto something with that umbrella idea... the Water Drop Stop!
You never have things in your hands when you get in or out? Like keys, or a pencil to jot down your mileage when filling up at the pump? If you're sitting there (while stopped, of course) and something drops on your right leg, it's going to bounce right into the opening between the console and the seat. Sounds like a gimmick to me, but surprisingly a useful one. Still think I might stuff a black t-shirt or towel in there instead, now that this concept has come to mind. Not sure why I didn't think of it before. Or I could just gain a whole lot of weight so my thighs press against the door and the console. That would also solve the problem.
Re: Unreal Invention for Prius Here is a great article posted about Drop Stop! drop stop ::
Keys: Who uses a key to open the door? Pencil: Having never attended Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I need to hold onto my pencil to write with it, so it usually doesn't drop. "Something": What's going to drop from the bove? My visor? I'll save my money for something more useful, such as a left-handed smoke shifter.