Is it? Are you suuuuure??? It's that irony thing again. Larson's humor lies (for example) with putting horn-rimmed glasses on a bi-pedal bovine at a dinner party......or aliens doing a Jerry Ford down the stairs of their flying saucer.....(two ironies for the price of one) I'm not sure that I know where I stand on the whole ET thing, but I am pretty sure that if they're smart enough to get here, then they pretty much know how we tick. I only hope that they do not judge us too harshly, something that we have unfortunate experiences with in our not so distant past.... Then again? They might like Larson too. Even with FTL travel, one presumes that it might take a while to get hither ahd thither, and a good sense of humor is handy on long journeys. Everybody that claims to have inside dope on ETs tends to overly anthropomorphize them. We even have them broken down into ethic color groups like we do with humans with "little green men" and, more recently, the greys and the whites. Personally? I think that if there are ETs in this neck of the woods then they're probably going to spend a lot of time studying US. This should eliminate the chances of some of the more human faux pas like shaking with the wrong hand, or forgetting to take our shoes off before we go into their homes.
Now it's Hillary doing the Jerry Ford down (or up) the stairs... I hope the Aliens DO come. Maybe they can clean up all of our man-made messes! "It's a cook book!"
From the Introduction to the book "A.D. After Disclosure When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact": "Richard Dolan has a graduate degree in history from the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, Soviet history, and international diplomacy. He was writing a book about U.S. national security policy during the early Cold War when he became fixated on the issue UFOs. His research evolved into UFOS and the National Security State, a multi-volume historical study of the attitudes and policies toward UFOs by the military and intelligence community, and the fascinating development of citizen movements to end UFO secrecy." The book is copyright 2012, which isn't that ancient, but his ideas have evolved since then. The following video is more current:
While politicians have generally avoided the UFO issue, the same can not be said of powerful people who work to raise the issue. Grant Cameron chronicles the lobbying of the Clintons to disclose government involvement in UFOs. To date, any such disclosure has been deemed too toxic to address. At least until recently. Hillary Clinton has responded to questions on UFOs and not suffered any flak on the issue. While her opponents are mum on the issue, they don't want to end up on the wrong side of an issue that is about to blow up. Grant Cameron's book: The Clinton UFO Storybook: ET Politics in the White House UFOs, the Clintons, and Disclosure - Grant Cameron
Banned Disney UFO Documentary - Unedited - Alien Encounters This is a classic from 1995 created by Walt Disney Television. From the YouTube text: This film was shown only once, and with no advance notice on stations in only five US cities. The original Michael Eisner intro hit me right in the nostalgia. Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary, Alien Encounters: In March of 1995, Walt Disney Television aired an intriguing UFO special. This highly unusual UFO video special presents UFOs and alien visitation to our planet as a matter of fact. At first glance, the special appears to be a promotion of the "New Tomorrowland" area, in particular the new "Alien Encounters" ride. This was in the mid 90's. (This venture was cancelled almost immediately) However, upon closer is much more. The entire program, which opens with a short segment by Disney CEO Michael Eisner, does not even question the existence of UFOs and a major UFO cover-up. In fact, at times it has A Tone Of ridicule Towards Those Who Still Deny That UFO's exist; quite unique ___ ""It's easily located today online, but the circumstances of its production and (highly limited) distribution, and its oddly firm view of the reality of the phenomenon, make it decidedly weird and unique."" ""If all Disney wanted to do was promote its new theme park ride with an alien theme, they needn't have gone to nearly as much trouble. As it is, it's almost like the ride-promo mission was used as a Trojan horse / excuse to deliver a lot more subversive and revolutionary information. Maybe this really was a disclosure exercise gone awry, maybe it was out-of-control filmmakers who produced an end product the Disney chiefs didn't know what to make of. But it sure is fun speculating, and the show has since become a UFO conspiracy' staple -- another tantalizing hint of the truth, allegedly.""
Don't we already have somebody doing Disney reviews? The Rescuers - The Last Great Disney Film before The Little Mermaid? | PriusChat
i took that ride, i can see why it's no longer there. mission to mars, which preceded it, was much better. more 50's sic-fi-ish.
At the risk of moving this into purgatory..... I'm just listening to Brian Cox (Wonders of the Universe, etc) doing his regular Tuesday morning spot on Shaun Keaveny's show on BBC 6 Music ( BBC Radio 6 Music - Shaun Keaveny, Coxy joins Shaun, from about 02:08, although this specific rant starts at about 02:14:50). It's a very informal conversation. Enjoy the experience of listening to two people speaking proper English - both of them grew up near where I'm from and have similar accents to me. He was talking about Fermi's Paradox in the context of Earth right now. In particular, he was talking about last night's Presidential debate, and the rise of extremists across America and Europe, who are, as he put it, " shouting simple answers to complicated problems". He said, "And it could be that that's the solution to the Fermi Paradox, that every planet in the sky that had a civilisation ready to climb its way to the stars ended up electing a fool who destroyed it." Hmmm. He could have a point.
Dr. John Brandburg has found evidence that Mars suffered a H-bomb explosion about 250 million years ago. He was asked at a conference if "they did it to themselves?". No, there was a bronze age civilization there that got wiped out. His story...
Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer: "Aliens Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years" "UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying over our heads" "The Star of Bethlehem is one of God's flying saucers" "About 80 different species, and some of them look just like us" "They could walk down the street, and you wouldn't know ... and they're what we call the Nordic Blonds, and also the Tall Whites." "If you saw the Short Greys, you'd certainly know that there's something up that you'd never seen before. But if you saw one of the Nordic Blonds, you'd say I wonder if she's from Denmark." "Nearly all are benign or benevolent, they want to help us. There may be one or two species which do not." 11:50 Commercial break 14:50 Interview resumes Atacama Humanoid found in South America. It is 6 inches tall, about 6 years old at time of death. DNA is 90%+ human, with the rest "different". Not a fetus or dwarf.
so what do we do, if anything? why can't they fix our problems, are they enjoying watching us suffer?
Ok, another try at posting the Atacama story... The full story of what is known about the Atacama Humanoid is at Atacama Humanoid | Sirius Disclosure My best guess is that Atacama is a non-Earth alien. He suffered a violent death, either accident or a fight. He got left behind. Dr. Greer is much more cautious in his evaluation, saying only that we just don't really know.