After hearing past stories of folks with fantastical adventures during episodes of extreme sleep deprivation, including alien contact, nothing in that story strikes me as odd. Not even the 'not give it much thought' reaction.
Hmmmm....... You were a foreign student in the USSR in the 80s..... Perhaps this explains the whole thing. I was a foreign student in China in the early 90s. Our "teachers" went to great lengths to listen in to our conversations in our rooms. There were microphones in our rooms - some visible and some not - and our phone calls to parents would be listened in to. At one point, a German friend told me that the operator had butted in to a call to her Mum in Germany and told her to speak in either English or Chinese or the call would be cut off. Even though we were just students in our late teens and early 20s, with no connection to any sort of power, influence or secrets at home, we were treated as potential hostile spies or sources of valuable information. I would imagine that the USSR in the 80s was rather wilder than China in the 90s on that front. I also would not imagine that your door lock counted for much - mine certainly didn't. So.... While the obvious explanation is that it was all a dream (or of course that it was space aliens seeking to find the secrets of architecture from a student, which naturally I wouldn't rule out), could it actually be something a bit more sinister? Might you have been drugged while sleeping and then questioned while in a state that you couldn't properly remember?
I can appreciate your logical point of view. Truth be told, when you've been encountering "strange things" from a very young age (4 years old) soon come to accept them as being the norm for you. You realise that telling a third party about it (back then) could result in you being committed (to a loony bin) or just shut up and live with it. I was probably around 12 years of age when I read "God Drives a Flying Saucer" and independently decided we were not alone. So, I chalked the Minsk 1984 / 1985 experiences up to another of my many strange encounters I couldn't tell anyone about. I'd usually convince myself it was just a bad dream......till the next experience came along and underlined that it wasn't. iPhone ?
No offence taken, rest assured. I'd expect any rational person to question this experience and I do not necessarily expect to be believed either. I was once on a TV program with 5 other abductees all talking about their experiences. I confess to having listened to some of them and thinking they were "plumb loco".....but I quickly stopped thinking that way, when I realised I had seen and experienced things that sounded absolutely crazy too! But....they did happen as far as I was concerned. I've posted this here just to keep the thread alive. And of course, to highlight that contact with other worldly beings can take place in the most weird of ways. There wasn't much technology available in the former Soviet Union that I could have used to identify what was going on. Believe me, it was like stepping back into the late 1960s out there. I was probably more terrified that some Soviet officials might notice strange lights flying in and out of my windows 2 floors off the ground in the early hours of the morning (though I strongly suspect the lush trees outside my window would have made this impossible to easily spot / observe). I simply thought - whatever it was wasn't harming me. It is interesting to note that once I started a relationship with my then girlfriend (to whom I've since been long married), the nocturnal visits stopped dead! However, they did resume in the 1990s, culminating in a spectacular flap in 1996 - but that's another story for another day I guess. iPhone ?
could it be that you (or your parents) were placed here, and the visitors are simply keeping an eye on you, or even extracting your memories?
My wife is a narcoleptic whose life long symptoms included: Hallucinations During Sleep - American Sleep Association Somewhere around age 65, her symptoms began to abate, unless she is ill. Then I have to 'live at the hospital' to help keep her oriented. It comes with the territory. The closest I personally came was during the time leading up to the Landsat-D launch. Management brought in folding beds so those of us who were working too many hours could catch a cat-nap. But it turns out some of my dreams were 'at work' and not restful. Bob Wilson