What risk is there if nobody has seen it... that's what we are asking. I browse a lot of car forums and none of them have ever complained about this being an issue. I'm not saying you have to do it. I'm just saying that the people that do it haven't had problems. But then again, maybe the people that have experienced the problem don't post it on the internet.
You won't know until you actually run it dry before refilling. I was prepared to do that last week, in the household's new Subaru that replaced the old ailing Suby. Then I wimped out, and pulled in to refill at the last opportunity before an unserviced 70 mile segment, as my spare fuel can was good for much less than that. The car actually did run out, about 15 seconds after pulling up to the pump, while I was grabbing the fuel logbook and scrolling through various displays. With a claimed 15.9 gallon capacity, it took 15.958 gallons to the first click. Considering all the likely variables and uncertainties, I was surprised that it came that close to the stated capacity. No hiccups at all on the restart, though I did let the fuel pump run for at least thirty seconds to refill the lines, before cranking the engine.
I think you aren't looking hard enough. Maybe a search for "canister" would find something. I quite assure you that while not as common as old batteries failing, there ARE a number of flooded evap. system problems being reported in the auto forums in general. Motorcycles are even more sensitive to the problem (ones that have the system in place).