With the windows in the down position, the upper window frame can be easily tweaked in by pulling it in from the top corner. Or, you can put a block of wood in the door jam at the striker and push the window frame in. I have to caution you, that you have to be gentle, though. It doesn’t take much to move the frame inward.
It snowed inside my car! The condensation reached the inside of the windshield and froze, this time in the form of snowflakes for whatever reason, and snowed down onto the dash. Yes, that snow's all on the inside of the glass, and you can see some of it on the dash. Once I started up the car and got the defogger blowing on the windshield, it turned into a regular Interior Wizard-Blizzard.
Update: I just started the process of removing the carpet as I haven't had time with school. I need some help and am wondering if any of you guys could help. I basically need to remove the "middle console" (someone correct me if i'm wrong) to remove the carpet. How do i do this? Also how do i remove the panels which are next to the seat belts? Lastly, how do i remove the panel next to the parking brake on both sides? Pictures attached, thanks!
If your windows are fogging up it's the result of water getting into the car and condensing onto the cool window surface.
AC use could also be a factor; humidity in the air condenses on the AC radiator (evaporator) in the dash, then releases when the car sits.