many don't mind a smaller appearing vehicle if it's still roomy on the inside. The Prius Gen 2 comes to mind. Yet there is a value in being on the highway & able to see more around the horizon because you're sitting higher up. The trade-off comes in the form of pushing more air out of your way, & thus lower CD. .
Hyundai Ioniq BEV fits the bill, no? Not sure what state, local, and utility incentives you have, but in CA with my utility, for example: $33,045 MSRP - $7,500 Federal Tax Credit -$3,500 with Clean Fuel Reward and Clean Vehicle Rebate programs combined - PG&E Utility $800 Clean Fuel Rebate... 2020 Hyundai Ioniq Electric | Hyundai USA And it's available in Bisco land: Available in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Also, complimentary maintenance for 3 years or 36,000 miles.
170 miles range but what happens when it rains or gets cold. Sure it would take me to the local stores just fine but would it take me to my weekly recycle run? To the grandkids and then to their school and then back home in the winter? Dealer 50 miles away. No CA rebates here. Oh, not even sold in my state. Your experience is not necessarily everyone's. I live in NC. A typical year has me going to Canada and Florida. PA and CT. My priorities are local repair, 350 mile range (trip to the mountains and back, trip to the coast and back, trip to DC and charge/refill there (overnight 115v ok or if gas cheap half way back), room for a bike in the back, room for 4 with 1 being NFL lineman. Comfort for the passenger for 300 miles a day since I tend to drive the highway miles. Enough power to get out of the way, 600 not needed or wanted. I prefer to have an SUV in the family. Wife prefers a sedan. Value for $.
Youse a hijacker or somethin' ? Please see thread elements above. It was specifically NOT about anyone but bisco, but got turned into something personal for someone else. This was a sub-discussion only for bisco and concerning his specifications.
to the best of my knowledge, the hatch is smaller than mine in length, width and depth. not sure about cubes, but they are not helpful when judging space. price looks okay, might qualify for $2,500. in ma. i know, i know, move to the best coast
@iplug beat me to it. I'll add that Mass. has a $2500 rebate. So you'll be heading to the Hyundai dealer once it's safe? I don't see how it could smaller in length, width, and depth when the volume is 1.4 cubic feet bigger, but those dimensions aren't regularly posted. There is also more volume in the cabin than your PiP. 2015 Toyota Prius Advanced 5dr HB (Natl) Features and Specs The new Prius might beat it is space, but we know the Prime won't. People are switching from sedans to SUVs, but they aren't flocking to the big SUVs. The midsize sedan is being replaced by the compact SUV, and the compact car by the subcompact SUV. Size wise, they are about the same; just different dimensions. From 2015 to 2018, the growth of those SUV segments roughly corresponds to the loss in the car ones. Midsize SUV sales have been growing, and they've gained a million over ten years. Which is to the compact SUV's 2.5 million increase. Large SUV's have been seeing a slow and steady growth, but the segment as a whole is about as many sales as the Camry alone. Getting to BEVs, the Model Y and Niro Electric are already available in the compact SUV segment. Plus the I-Pace and e-tron might also fall in there. The Mach E will be available next year, as well as the ID 4. Though we don't have actual interior dimensions for them yet. On the subcompact side, I've already seen a couple of Kona EVs in the wild. Besides the Tesla, these all qualify for the full $7500 tax credit. So net cost or lease rates should be close to that of the ICE equivalent. Pick up sales have always been high, which is why there are several EV models being worked on. Rivian is planning its first deliveries for next June. I looked at 2018 sales figures because carsalesbase doesn't make the cool interactive graphs public until later. US sales analysis 2018 – Compacts - US sales analysis 2018 – Mid-sized segment - US car sales analysis 2018 - Subcompact SUV segment - US car sales analysis 2018 - Compact SUV segment -
If you can increase your budget +$5k, the VW ID.4 might work. After we sold our PiP and got the Model 3, we still wanted the utility of a hatchback so this was in part why we leased another Leaf. Helps for the occasional runs to HomeDepot and other places for the large/boxy items. Just a few days ago we returned a borrowed assembled fire-pit to our friends. That's wasn't going to fit in the Model 3 but just made it in the Leaf.
The Niro EV is available now with a 200+ mile range. Heck, if he is okay with their engineering choices, the Leaf would likely work. According to Bob, what disappoints is the efficiency and engineering. For me personally, the efficiency isn't a pressing concern. It can be for long trips, but even the less efficient ones are better than an ICE car for local use. Nissan using passive cooling in the Leaf is a disappointment. having permanent magnet motors on both axles of AWD ones is a lesser one. Tesla does have the engineering edge, but some of the difference I don't see as a disappointment, just a difference in philosophy. They are opting to have larger, unusable buffer in the battery capacity. This will allow faster charging times, and longer battery life without loss of range. they've basically put the norm capacity loss the pack will see aside from the beginning. Going by some reports, some will prefer that to seeing a loss of range over the time they have the car. The down side is it adds weight and increases cost. The Taycan has gotten better than EPA in real world use. It is possible the EPA test cycles didn't allow it to make use of its two speed transmission for higher speed cruising. You're claiming that available BEVs are too small. In 2010, 10,331 subcompact SUVs were sold in the US. By 2014, that was 118,873. Last year it was 778,383. A 6.5 fold increase over 5 years. Americans will buy small cars when they are in a form that they want. There are larger BEVs available. The disappointment is more in limited availability, and not being a SUV. Loss of income, and having a paid off third car, meant selling our 2005 Prius. After my wife died, I kept her 2016 Camry because it was newer, had fewer miles, and a Toyota. I preferred driving the Sonic, and I might have been able to get most of the stuff I got into the Camry into it, though. In two to three years, the Camry will be pushing 100k miles, and I'll start looking for a used BEV for commuting duty. It's relevant to bisco calling BEVs crackerboxes when the Model 3, Leaf, and Bolt are all midsize cars. Well the Bolt is a small station wagon, but its interior volume also fits midsize. The Model Y is probably close to the Rav4 in size. Yeah, there are some smaller BEVs, and fewer larger ones. Americans are still buying more cars in the midsize range than any other. The switch to SUV sales wasn't to larger size, just a different shape. Actually a wagon shape that mainstream car companies were unwilling to sell as a wagon.
IQ electric is not sold in the USA anymore as of 2015 and only 200 were sold - so how would Bisco buy one?