The trick is - you need to fly to Italy in a fully loaded 747-8. (Crunching rough numbers on napkin) 5 gallons of fuel per mile flown 5,000 mile flight 25,000 gallons of fuel ÷ by 467 passengers 53 miles per gallon? Not too shabby! As for bear - our 1st Montana home came with a kegerator - built into a 1950's era fridge. Geez! Those suckers burn 3x the electricity as our new high efficient model does. I like me some bear on the cheap ... but not at the expense of the kWh meter spinning fast. Then I discovered Trader Joe's beer. Simple times. 50¢ a can - and it's already cold !! I don't know how they do it :focus: Anyway - I think the coffee thread Godiva started years ago (to lazy to search it) mentioned Starbucks and their policy of constantly letting the water run down the sink, whether in use or not. That is disturbing ... but NO where near as disturbing as the 1,000's of acre feet of water wasted on Las Vegas area golf courses ... day in & day out. Geez ... on a 120 degree summer afternoon, the water on a golf course evaporates almost as fast as it gets irrigated ... not to mention all the (chemical pesticide, chemical fertilizer and) electricity to the pumping stations. Better stop before I get my shorts all bunched up. .
Taking your numbers on faith, 53 miles per gallon is good mileage, but traveling 5,000 miles for coffee is a lot of miles. That's about 94 gallons of jet fuel to visit the coffee shop. And another 94 gallons to get home. Assuming you can get a fully-loaded flight each way. True story: My uncle Joe bought his teenage younger daughter a Jaguar XKE. His older daughter was upset because she didn't get anything. (The younger daughter was the favorite.) When the older daughter visited my sister, who was then living in Italy, Joe told her to take my sister out to a fancy place for supper and put it on his (Joe's) credit card. So she took my sister to Athens, Greece, for supper! I never got it clear whether they flew there and back in one day, or whether they stayed in Greece for a while.