Coastal EV mod is a winner!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by windstrings, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. Darwin23

    Darwin23 New Member

    Jan 28, 2006
    Panorama City, CA

    its 2am...but i just wanna let y'all know that i just successfully installed it. I took a precision screwdriver and sort of made the hole bigger. then i put the orange wire in and pushed it in using the small screwdriver. I tried it out, and it finally worked. Whew!!!! that was about an hour ago...test drove the car and its working as described. time to sleep.
  2. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Hey.. Congrats!

    I don't know if this was your problem or not, but after sleeping on it, it occured to me that you may have been trying to put the orange wire pin in backwards?

    Notice on the last page of instructions about "tips an hints" it shows a closup pic of how it should be oriented. The pin is not perfectly smooth, but has a jagged side... that jagged side goes "out".. thats what allows it to catch and not come back out once you get it all the way in and lower the white keeper bar again.

    But regardeless....if its in, its in!..... Glad you got it working!........

    Well was it worth it?
  3. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Well, I just ordered it today. We'll see how long it takes to get to me and how long it'll take to install.
  4. CAVU10

    CAVU10 New Member

    Feb 20, 2006
    New Prius owner as of last Thursday.

    This thread and two others have me reasonably confident that even a non-mechanical type like me can probably do this. (Other threads likely of value to me on this install are "Help removing pins!" under this portion of forum, and especially "Review of Coastal EV switch experience" under Audio and Electronics portion of this forum. If I can figure out how to get these links into this post, I will do so at the end.)

    Now for my even greater concern: How easy will it be to remove the install? And, perhaps doing install/removal repeatedly, and without there being any evidence of some sort of messing with the factory connector having occured in the first place.

    In spite of all the confidence I have read in this forum about no resulting problems and you don't really have to worry about the warranty, I will not let the car go back to the dealer with the mod installed for other than some sort of normal maintenance. If I have to take the car back to the dealer for any sort of troubleshooting a problem (regardless of what such is related to), I do not want the device in the vehicle. I do not want there to be any arguable "out" for the dealer to conclude that I'm not covered under my basic or extended warranty for anything. Regardless of any alleged paranoia any think I have, any opinion of ease of removal and repeating install/removal would be appreciated.

    Thanks to all who have spent so much time sharing their experiences on this. It's been very helpful and eye opening. This is an incredible website, and I'd be embarrased to disclose how much time I spent reviewing this website last weekend.

    My only frustration with the car so far is the Nav stuff that won't work when the vehicle is moving. Read all the posts on that, and understand/proved to myself that the software override doesn't work with the 2006. Would love to find an non-invasive solution for that.

    Also, surprised I couldn't find anything in forums re impact of headlights on mpg.

    Oh, and my wife's frustrated (it's her car) because the kids are always taking it for a spin (sometimes long ones) and want one of their own due to the gadget factor. I trust that will wear off soon, just like it always has with all of their toys.

    Mileage is better than I expected. Averaging 45.5 putting 275 miles on it this weekend, and it's been super cold here over the weekend. And, we bought the package 7, wife put in custom 2-tone leather seats, front seat heaters, tinted windows, and pin striping seamingly everywhere. I didn't expect 45.5 as cold as it is and with the driver seat heat on all the time. (Haven't seen anything in forums re likely number impact on mpg due to seat heat, and I would think such would be substantial.)


  5. tracysbeans

    tracysbeans Member

    Dec 25, 2005

    But what if you have an emergency situation with the car and it has to be towed in asap to Toyota. How are you going to get the mod out ASAP??? (or for that matter you wife??)
  6. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    All it takes is a little guts... its alway scary tearing into hour dash.. .but keep in mind, it disassembles very nicely because you have to take much of this same stuff apart to access the air conditioner filter... so they made it easy!

    Installed the way the instructions suggest, would limit the amount of times you could disconnect and reconnect. It has wire clamps that bite into the existing wires and the instructions mention that if you do have to clamp the wire again.. not "reclamp" in the same spot on the wire or you could risk cutting it into.

    You could clamp a long wire and then keep cutting the end and reclamp to the end again.. this would allow for many clamps, cut, reclamp before you would nibble away your added lead wires. But the presence of the lead wires would suggest tampering too.
    Based on everything I've read, Toyota does not condemn accessing what they already have integrated into the computer and system.
    You are simply making your car to access what it was made to do and does so in other countrys.

    I don't know if diagnostic tools will reveal the presence of the EV switch or not?
    Accessing the diagnostic panel did not reveal that for me, but I was simply using the factory diagnostics and did not have any addtional tools.

    Its not that big of a deal to have it, until your comfortable with doing it, I recommend you keep your peace of mind and not.

    Although many many people have installed the kit and none to my knowledge have ever reported flack from the dealer, I respect your concern... its up to you.

    Maybe someone can chime in if they have ever been a part of or heard of any problems with haveing switched EV able to be engaged?

    Using voice will access many of the functions while in motion that you cannot manually with your fingers.
    Toyota does not want you trying to fumble your fingers on letters and numbers while trying to keep on the road.

    I believe I remember reading the HID headlights only pull about 30watts "each?" and is negligible for concern as is the MFD screen and or other lights.... when your dealing with a 10000 watt motor/alternator when coasting and a 50000 watt motor/alternator when braking and accelerating, it makes 30 watts seem trivial.... even if it is on continously.
    Just to give you an idea of how much power your car generates while braking and charging. The motor can generate 28Hp worth of power.... One horsepower is approx 750 watts... do the math and 30 watts won't affect much.

    If it was really an issue you should see a reflection in the MFD screen while watching the real time mpg when flipping the lights on verses off. And there is none noticable.

    hate to discourage you, but I doubt it will get old! :D
    They won't get far without your keys!

    Thats great.. esp for being so new and not broke in yet... those long trips will show you the nice mileages.... my trips to work are about 13 - 15 miles one way... just about the time I get to work, I'm really just starting to appreciate my best mileage due the car being warmed up well and the battery being fully charged. When I went to the coast which is about a 125 mile trip.. my mileage went from 42 - 45ish to 50mpg.

    If your worried about your headlights I wouldn't, but you may find out how many watts those seat heaters pull.. I bet they are quite a bit more than your headlights!
    Just a couple of quick searches I found: = 60 watts per seat.. "still pretty negligable" = 45 watts
    I have no Idea how many yours pull.
  7. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Why would they look under the dash? I would invite, explore any of the Prius Tech's who hang around here to chime in. Second the Morison Magnson (sp?) act in the US protects you from damage that is not related to any modification. I don't think the risk is high unless you roll over to the first thing the dealer tells you. Some are good and some are very, very bad.
  8. CAVU10

    CAVU10 New Member

    Feb 20, 2006
    Thanks, I think I follow what your saying, certainly to the extent that the install will very likely be detectable upon its removal, particularly if they know/learn what to look for, suspect something, etc.

    If something expensive goes wrong with the car, even having nothing to do with the EV mod, I fear the mod still leaves you open to void of warranty with little likely recourse as it is the user who violated the contract. I'm not familiar with this part of the law. I fear the presumption will be with Toyota, and the burden to overcome such may be huge/impractical. I don't know if this is a risk I'm willing to take, particularly if there's an alternate mod that doesn't run the risk if I can get to and remove it before the car gets to the dealership.

    Not having purchased the device/instructions, I'm guessing a completely non-detectable (upon removal) setup would require removal of the wires that are clamped into from some socket into which such are now plugged, and install of some sort of y-adapter therein to which the original and mod wires removably connect. Then, the original wires could be reinserted into the original sockets upon removal of the y-adapter, but who knows if this can be done and if so how many times since the original set up obvioulsy isn't intended for such shenanigans.

    Alternately, someone would have to create some sort of inline plug that all the wires connect/go through at an existing point in the line of wires where there presently is a plug/interconnect. If such could be done, then the install/removal would be the simplest ever. Again, I haven't looked at the mod, nor know what it looks like behind the dash to know if my possibility is nonsene technically.

    Regardless, thanks so very much for your reply.

    I'll reflect on this some more, and perhaps consider other possibilities that might enable non-detectable quick install/removal. Perhaps some separate sort of removable switch can be placed somewhere within reach of the driver. If I'm understanding everything I read over the weekend right, perhaps all that is needed is some separate/dedicated switch connected between ground and that special plug #27.

    Perhaps my reply could be forwarded onto Dr. Fusco for consideration, or others have an idea for a completely "non-detectable quick install/removable system" (albeit likely ugly, and/or inconveniently hidden, totally lacking in elegance, etc.)
  9. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    If you didn't mind leaving the Male pigtails "or is it female?" connected on the factory wires, it would be very easy to disconnect.. but there mere presence without the EV switch may seem more suspicious than just leaving it all installed. You may give the appearance you did something that didn't work and so you took it off.

    You'll have to decide that.... but to totally mask it, you would need to build a total harness where your modified one would plug into the computer and then the other end would plug in to the regular plug that used to plug into the computer "make sense?".. anyway I see it as no different than tapping into the cigarette lighter plug to run a radar detector or anything else you want to hardwire in.
    It would be one thing if it "altered" the computer to do things it was never intended, but its not.

    yep.. its possible, if you want to go through that much trouble.

    Evan speaks of simply grounding the #27 pin.... I personally don't know the significance of also tapping into the purple and white striped wires, but I'm sure Even knows.

    But I'm sure you're also aware he runs far more modifications than just an EV switch and he has expressed he is not worried about the warranty himself.

    Toyota does have a burden of proof to prove your mod is the problem concerning your issue.

    I am going to install my BT stiffening plate in a couple of days... if my tire falls off the next day or my headlights stop working, Toyota cannot say it was due to my plate without first proving it... otherwise they still have to honor warranty issues not related to my plate. The EV switch is the same way. They can raise a stink if they want, but if you know your rights and they see they can't buffalo you, they will do what they have to do. Dealers don't do what they do because the like you and want to be nice.. its a matter of legal contract.... they have to!.
  10. Darwin23

    Darwin23 New Member

    Jan 28, 2006
    Panorama City, CA
    Evan speaks of simply grounding the #27 pin.... I personally don't know the significance of also tapping into the purple and white striped wires, but I'm sure Even knows.

    i personally dont know either...but i assume it has to do with the cruise control function. Ev can be installed without tapping on those wires, but when you tapped those two wires, the EV is installed into the cruise control cancel function.
  11. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Suuuure your right!..... its a nice function.. but if you want something cleaner and totally removable without a trace the pin only idea may be good...

    Not for me though... I want the full works... I really don't think I'll ever be sorry.
  12. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    I just finished installing it. It worked the first time and frankly I was surprised (lost the instructions for a few minutes and had a hard time finding a small screwdriver). I kept pushing on the wire with a tiny screwdriver and evidently I had gotten it in. One of the hard parts was that the connector is the same one that's used when installing the auto-lock kit (indeed it's the same white wire in both installations) making it a little harder to work around. It took about an hour. I tested it before putting the dash back together.
  13. stevehj

    stevehj New Member

    Feb 13, 2006
    I just did the Coastal EV mod today on my 2006. Went fairly easy. BUT. . .

    I do think there may be a difference between the 2006 and earlier models. The 2006 rows of buttons are much more to the right (I believe) than earlier models. That makes getting the switch out much more difficult.

    Once the switch is out, it's fine, but ***whew***, when I took a look at that switch behind the vent structure I almost stopped right there.

    But, once I got over my fear, I slowly got the switch out and pulled it far enough so it sat just outside the venture structure. That made it A LOT easier.

    But, 40 minutes later, works like a charm. :)
  14. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
  15. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
  16. jdjeep98

    jdjeep98 New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
    Wilmington, DE
    Note: That comment is for the Plug-in modifications that Calcars did. It does not apply to any of the EV mods available. The Plug-in mod is a significant variance in the way the stock vehicle works. EV is a function that is included in the car (stock) in Europe and Japan. You are not modifying anything other than putting back a switch they left out in the North American version. EV should have no effect on your warranty. Someone may make a fuss, but there are thousands of Japanese and European cars with the switch in them that have perfectly good warranties.
  17. espoafd

    espoafd New Member

    Dec 31, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM
    The warranty issue has been discussed to death.

    Priusguy04 are you with the warranty police or what.
  18. alsgameroom

    alsgameroom Member

    May 16, 2005
    Northern New Jersey
    I just installed mine today, I wanted to wait until I was out of warranty but just couldn't! got 9.7K on her now.

    The grey plug will click when your reinsert it. remember the plastic tab (locking lever) you had to push in to get it out, well that neeeds to snap back into place. the instructions say not to start the car with the plug out, Whew! you probably shut it right off when the EV didn't work. :

    My comments on getting the grey plug out is this : get the right hand thru the vent and press the locking lever with one finger while prying on the right side on the connetor with another finger. In addition I had my other hand from the other side (thru the glove box) and had a finger or two behind the wire bundles prying outward from the left side. This way I was prying straight outward from both sides of the plug.

    It only sencible try not to pull by the wires at all at any point during the installation, though my assumption is the pins self lock once in and can not be pulled out because daves instructions state the white peice on the connector "further" locks the pins.
  19. alsgameroom

    alsgameroom Member

    May 16, 2005
    Northern New Jersey

    I made a small mark on the wire with a magic marker, (approximately) according to daves diagram of how far the pin must go in.

    I had the orange wire backwards the first time. With firm pressure I got it to slide in with my fingers about 3/4 of the way. then with small needle nose pliers I grabbed the wire just above the crimped on connector and gave another firm push (straight) and the pin started to bend. So I re-read the instructions and turned the wire around, repeated my above steps and witht he pliers it wend right in the additional way.

    chill out and give it one more shot... you're so close!
  20. alsgameroom

    alsgameroom Member

    May 16, 2005
    Northern New Jersey

    Just installed my kit today and it works as I expected from the many threads here.

    I dont think you can save alot of gas using this mod. But you can maximize efficiency with careful use.

    I installed the EV on Misti mainly because I live in a higher elevation area. There is no way I can go anywhere (even the grocery store) without encountering a long hill. I hit these hills with 5 or 6 bars and I am overcharging my battery, even if I waste some energy using B mode. Quite often MG2 starts to dump overcharge.

    So with my EV mod installed today I foiled that there 'ole hill! I brought the SOC down to 3 bars and hit the hill. When I got to the bottom I was just at full charge on the MFD (2 green bars).

    At this point she had come out of EV as I easily went over 34 mph going downhill, and as I cruised into the grocery store parking lot with a fulll battery I could not get her to go into EV mode again. Same thing when I came out of the store. I couldn't get into EV until I dropped charge to 1 green bar. Any have comments on this behavior?

    I'll be going out later today..we'll see what happens.