I'm getting to the point where I'm okay with mine the way it is. And the Novus stuff is still not going anywhere near mine. EDIT: Looking at dfran1's pictures below, I'd rather have it blurry so you don't get a mean sun reflection off the screen.
Hi All, It has been a while since I posted in here, but I have been reading what people have been up to! (thank you, you know who you are) (This is definitely do at your own risk) So this morning I decided to go and buy the Novus but I thought I had it already, so I looked and low and behold I had all 3 (1,2,3)! So I taped off (with painters tape, see the before photo) and applied Novus #2 first back and forth (with Kleenex VIVA prints paper towels, it is very very soft and I also use this paper towel to wax my cars, no scratches, I am very picky), keep the portion of towel wet with #2 at all times, then in circular, then back and forth (I think about 3 minutes) after #2 dried (about 1 minute) and I wiped it off then I used #1. Now the after picture without the tape is clear as seen in the picture , now it did introduce some scratches that are seen on the after picture BUT are only very slightly seen when looking at it in person (with the car off) and not seen at all when the car is on (now the camera did pick it up more than I can even see it that way)! It is definitely worth doing it will get scratched anyway, so why live with it blurry (you can see how much the difference is, a lot) and you should have some of this on hand anyway for future scratches . I will do my other Prius tomorrow, well worth it. You can always reapply if you get too many scratches . Now all I need to do is get rid of that double vision speedometer, I think I am going to try some type of window tint film if I can find a small piece of that, I think it is just too bright causing the double vision (very noticeable in the day and at dark it goes away when you adjust the brightness when the lights are on). Good Luck to all Thank You Don Edit: Later in the day Ok, I saw a little too many scratches, so I applied very lightly a second , then third coat with just #2 (#1 does not do anything for me) and was able to get rid of lots of fine scratches that I introduced as seen in the "after 3rd coat" picture (the one you can start to see the NAV), it is very good now! The film seems to be some kind of scratch resistant film that makes it blurry, and can be removed as seen in my pictures (thanks to the others), is it worth removing the film YES for me at least, just buy #2, you don’t need anything else (but it is up to you), when you introduce more scratches from cleaning you now have #2 to fix it when it bothers you. Good luck to all! I do not think Toyota is going to fix this (maybe in the next years). Don
Here are some more photos I just took. Edit: Earlier today when the sun was out I did not notice any difference with glare at all, with the exception I can actually see it instead of it being blurry! So end result it is all around great now than what it was, you can see it in the day, night, sun shinning on it, etc.. The only downside like I said earlier is the coating seems to be some sort of scratch resistant coating not for sun glare. I will post before and after shots of my other Prius when I do it. Good luck to all Don
My wife liked how mine came out, she asked me to do hers. I just finished doing my other Prius IV base, this took a lot longer than I originally thought. One Picture is before cleaning with glare from the camera (hint glare). Another is before cleaning showing scratches (I only saw them with the camera pictures). One is taped off. One is with a coating on. (I did many on this one, I most likely did many on the other one also). Hopefully the last picture is the final result (near perfect, as seen). Now the radio seems a hair foggy (not touching that till it shows scratches). Good luck to all Don
I succumbed. All you Early Adopters got to me. I bought a bottle of Novus 2 Fine Scratch Remover on ebay, had it for about 5 weeks now. Uneasy to apply it as you can't unring a bell. But the Explorers here got to me. Went out just now, cleaned the screens, dusted, masked, and applied. About a raindrop's worth on a microfiber with a light circular motion across the screen for about 15 seconds. Dry and wipe clean. Reapply about 4 times. 2 minutes later - a noticeably clear screen. Phew. As you will see I left much of the black areas unmasked. With the right light, it's apparent that there is a film left on the untreated sides. No doubt an anti-glare treatment from the manufacturer. Nice...
Phew...so brave, Dean!! Especially with BOTH screens! I'm still amazed that some of us didn't have blurry/coated screens...very odd.
Denise, Thanks for the compliment, but I was one of the last guys (actually a chicken) out of the foxhole. Actually IMO mine weren't too bad. And actually I wouldn't have noticed nor probably complained if it wasn't for PC. But being a new car, thought what the heck. Glad it worked out at little cost and elbow grease. It did make quite a bit of difference. Question - do the 'later builds' have the blur? Mine was delivered 6/13 and #1628, an early model. Toyota may have gotten the message and the audio / HVAC control supplier modified the screen coating.
I got mine 8/29 with a clear HVAC screen. I had seen a blurry one during a test drive, so I was pleasantly surprised. (And I no longer have the blue badges, thanks again, Dean.)
I have been following this thread for some time, with a combination of worry and confusion. Now though, I believe I have worked it all out! :rockon: Our Prius does not have a cloudy or blurry AC screen - and I think it is because it is a UK model without that 'Plasmacluster' logo on it. Looks to me, like the Toyota guys sprayed or 'filmed on' the Plasmacluster loga - thus blurring the display. What do other people think? Anyone got a non-Plasmacluster logo screen which is blurry?
I don't have Plasmacluster and my screen is blurry. I purchased the vehicle on July 28 since I had to wait for the C4C program to start, but it actually hit the dealer's lot in mid-July. Have been considering polishing the screen.
Arggg - yesterday, replaced my stereo, and for like the 5th time wince I bought my car, started scratching off the protective tape on the glass - only to find there was none. Now I read this thread, and know I am not crazy. Does anyone know where you can buy the novus stuff locally (Target etc????). Ebay is too far away... TIA
I bought some at The Container Store. Seems there is one in Pasadena, one in Costa Mesa and one in San Diego, if that helps (though I haven't been brave enough to use it yet)
Our V is also blurry! Hope they find a fix and allow owners to upgrade it. Otherwise we love our Prius!
No problems here -- the picture in this thread seems to show a lot of "texture" on the plastic. My car has just a slight matte surface and the digits are sharp.
Just got my prius iv last night and the first thing I check was the screen. It has no texture, It reads perfectly fine, too.
Oops, I lied. I checked again today, there is texture, but I need to get real close to see it. But it still is clear and easy to see