Do you realize that the GISTEMP graphs have absolutely nothing to do with your statement that "the earth would have remained in a cooling trend if humans didn't start producing CO2" ? This is very interesting. How soon? What data backs this up?
Just in case you are asking this seriously, (Which I am beginning to doubt!) Carbon dioxide levels threaten oceans regardless of global warming [ame=]Ocean acidification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Regardless of global warming, rising CO2 levels threaten marine life | Archives | News Bureau | University of Illinois Increase of the Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration due to Ocean Warming Just a random sampling from a search, including the last which is a study an not just a report. But what do I know, I'm only an alarmist!
Those are not data. I mean peer-reviwed scientific papers. By the way, did you actually read the last link you posted? I don't think it's saying what you want it to say.
Doney et al. 2009 is probably the best place to start on ocean acificication. It's free to download here:
Thank you, that's a nice synthesis. One anecdote. I visited Colonial Williamsburg last year. In one area, they were burning ricks of firewood interlaced with clamshells -- to produce mortar, in an authentic colonial fashion. From that, it finally dawned on me how the IPCC inclusion of cement production in anthropogenic GHG estimates completes the circle with concerns on ocean acidification. C02 to seashells to limestone to lime kilns to slaked lime to mortar. The C02 released in cement production isn't just the exhaust from the fuels required to heat the materials, it's literally the C02 driven off ancient seashells that sucked the C02 out of the atmosphere eons ago. So if marine organisms can't adapt fast enough, to this sudden uptick in dissolved C02, we short-circuit the system that's held temperatures relatively constant on the globe for the last half-million years or so.