I saw a Red Volt the other day. Been a couple months since last one. See a couple Leafs around, but not much.
I saw a bunch of fire engines racing towards a GM dealership. oh . . . sorry . . . moment of weakness
I actually saw one painted up for Safelite autoglass business. I haven't seen a Volt in weeks though.
I actually saw one painted up for Safelite autoglass business. I haven't seen a Volt in weeks though. It's a rare sighting when I see one.
Finally saw my first Volt here in central NY. My wife pointed it out to me, which was good because I would not have noticed w/out her help. THEN we saw the bumper sticker "One less Prius". I was amused and my wife was personally offended. She doesn't like that the volt owner chose to put down another hybrid in general, and by picking on her hybrid of choice the Volt owner made it personal. I must have grown thicker skin by spending time here on the Prius Chat forums.
I saw another one today. Only the 2nd I have seen in PA. I agree with you Chazz there is no reason that the Volt need be seen as competition with the Prius, but people are tribal. There are a lot of studies showing that.
Saw my first free-range Volt Thursday, in Redmond, parked next 'my' usual parking space over there. I'm not yet tuned to the visual cues -- must be some form of dyslexia or mild autism, I often have similar problems with faces of new people -- so have probably missed many others. Because I haven't been commuting there regularly for a several months, my sightings of many vehicles of non-traditional propulsion is down significantly. While I did see a few captive Volts last summer, no wild ones were being noticed. DW is doing better, having spotted two, including one far away while visiting the land of F250s for Turkey Day.
why is it a big deal to see one, if you want to see one, go to your local dealer, cause they aren't selling them...
Saw my second Volt today. It was parked along a road I walk going to work. Had a good opportunity to look it over very closely. (First sighting a while ago was from a moving car, just a glimpse.) Outwardly, I thought the Volt was impressive. Nice tight exterior with many little aero tricks... better to say "aero enhancements," I guess. Nice leather interior too. Overall, to my eye it looked more "American" than the Gen III Prius parked immediately in front of it. (I fully understand why Prii have the shape they do. I appreciate that form follows function And FWIW, I like the Gen II form better than the Gen III form... even though the Gen III has slightly better aero figures.) Nonetheless, I wouldn't own a Volt because I've come to abhor GM's past history and arrogance. The underlying images are either/both of: Of course, YMMV.
When I see a Volt, it goes something like this: Me: The Volt owner: I see about 20 to 30 Nissan Leafs for every Volt I see. Not H8ing, its just an over-hyped product.