When I arrived at my usual charging spot this morning at the court- there was a SUV parked in one spot- luckily the owner was there unloading some court documents. In a friendly manner I asked her if she was recharging? She said no (it was a std ICE SUV) so I asked her if she wouldn't mind relocating one spot over so I could charge- she didn't mind at all, so I backed in. To my great surprise- in the righthand parking spot -there was a Leaf actually recharging! That's the first time in the three weeks I've been using that charging station I've actually seen someone recharging there, not just using it as a handy parking spot for an ICE vehicle. I struck up a conversation with the owner (nice fellow BTW)- seems they're restoring power to his neighborhood and they had to shut his power off to proceed with the restoration work, so he came here to charge. He told me he'd be done in an hour- so I asked him if he could plug me in when he was done- which he did. When we were talking about his Leaf- he told me he goes 80-100mi on a full charge- and it takes 7hrs+ for a full recharge after that. Unlike the PIP- there's no ICE in the Leaf- so if he's out of charge he's out of luck! It was a that point that I realized how awesome the PIP was in having a full electric mode or gasoline mode! Interestingly enough- when I was talking to the Leaf owner- a Honda Insight parked in the spot to the left of me. I was impressed- one hybrid, one Plug-in hybrid and one full EV all represented this morning!
Did you ask the lady if she was aware it was a Charge spot? I would love to find out if they just don't see it, or if they just don't care (probably a combination of the both).
This weekend I pulled into one of the four EV parking spots in our downtown parking garage. Parked next to me was... well, I don't know, maybe an old Coda electric or something. He wasn't charging, he just parked there because the sign said, "EV Parking," and he had an EV.
Old? They've only been out a year or so. I suppose their funky borrowed body style DOES look like something from the early 1990's though so I see how one might think its old. SGH-I717R ? 2
CODA is a California-made All Electric 125 mile vehicle with 31 kWh Battery. I noticed that it takes 36-40 hours for Full Charge on Level 1 120 vac. That would only be 9-10 Amps with losses. However, with Level 2 240 vac, it lists that it takes 6 hours on 30 Amp Service. They jack up the Amps 3 times. Charging | CODA Automotive
I test-drove the car at the alt car expo in Richmond when they came. the battery tech is great, but the car just screams cheap everywhere else. the driver side window doesn't even have auto-down.
Ok, so it wasn't a Coda, it was some funky EV... my point is that he parked it in front of the charger just because the sign said he could.
... no - not exactly. Although the EV guts are installed in the U.S. - but after all this stuff gets made in China, they put the motor & batteries into the car after it arrives in the U.S. It's a chinese EV - fwiw Electric Car Information, CODA EV FAQ | CODA Automotive And . . . despite it's large capacity battery, the EPA rates its range at 88 miles. Coda Gets Official EPA Numbers: 73 MPGe with an 88-mile range *UPDATE kind of underwhelming It may be that the dude was going to plug it in later . . . I don't know if what ever kind of EV it was, whether or not it has programmable re-charge times, like many other plug-in's have. .
Yesterday and today I was at Century City Shopping Center. I grabbed a charge both days at the spaces be escalator 1 which only has 110V outlets. On both days the other space was occupied by a plug-in car that was not charging. On Saturday it was a Leaf and today it was another white PIP. The signs sat "EV Parking Only" and doesn't mention charging at all so EV drivers park there. Seems like EV drivers need education too
The ppl who write the signs need the education more it seems... There's a major difference between "EV Parking Only" and "EV Parking Only While Charging". That's why I have ongoing issues at my local charge station- the small sign only says "Electric Vehicle Charging Station" with no mention of parking, etc. It's so vague it means nothing as to any actual parking restrictions. Any ICE can park in both spots all day long (which they do as soon as I vacate the spot) and be in 100% compliance with all local laws.
I was ICED by 2 motorcycle cops and the pick up truck they were ticketing. Pulled up right behind them and they moved out of the way. Santa Monica cops are the best! There isnt even a close 2nd.
You're lucky, if we did that around here- you'd get a "Wth are you looking at... now move on" from our local cops.
Our local traffic columnist was asked about marked police vehicles parking in no-parking zones while the officers are on break. The answer was that they are allowed to park anywhere they want, so they can get back to their cars quickly if they get a call during their break. Although I am not sure how it would work out if they parked in front of a fire hydrant which was needed by firefighters responding to a fire.