Thanks Tovli! Message sent. I'm not expecting a quick response, but this is so obviously wrong it does need attention. will
Well, I got a pretty useless response. They can't give any feedback unless the issue gets diagnosed at a dealer. Like that's going to happen over midnight! (eye roll) Here is the reply. I guess I can print it out and bring it by the dealership. I ain't leaving my car there overnight though, I have places to go. will A Brand Engagement Center Advocate has added a comment to your inquiry. Dear Will Beals, Thank you for contacting us about the concerns you are experiencing with the battery charging of your 2023 Toyota Prius Prime. Congratulations on your recent purchase! We sincerely appreciate your long-standing loyalty and enthusiasm for the Toyota brand! We apologize for the concerns you are experiencing and appreciate the time you have taken to submit your comment to us. Because we are unable to directly inspect your vehicle, we are not in a position to provide a technical diagnosis of the concern you are experiencing. We rely on the technical expertise of Toyota dealers as Toyota dealers’ technicians are specialized in the diagnosis and repair of Toyota vehicles. They are provided with extensive training and have access to state of the art equipment to help in the accurate diagnosis of your vehicle. We would be happy to look into this further for you, however, our records show that your vehicle has not been inspected for this concern at a Toyota dealership within the last 30 days. At your earliest convenience, please schedule an appointment to have the concern inspected. If additional assistance is needed after the dealer inspection, please respond to this comment with an attachment of the work order diagnosis so we can further review. If our information is incorrect, please reply with the attached copy of the work order of the diagnosis for further review. Please know, we have documented your experience here at Toyota National Headquarters. If you have any other questions, please contact us. Sincerely, Daisy Toyota Brand Engagement Center
I guess I'm missing something about the advantage of using a charging schedule. After reading the manual, my takeaway is that setting the start and stop times means it will only try to charge during that time. But if the example I read earlier about setting your times 12 hours apart (eg 6pm to 6am) the system won't calculate when to start charging to have your battery reach 100% at 6am. It will start charging at 6pm and stop when the charge reaches 100% which will most likely be before 6am. For myself, when it needs to be charged, I just plug it in at night so I can have a full charge in the morning.
Just a follow-up FYI: I took my car in for service today (early oil change ahead of a long road trip) and mentioned this charging across midnight issue. The tech said they'd look into it and all I got back was a bookmark in the owners manual about how to set timers. Good thing I've decided this careful charging issue isn't a big one. Just (internally) rolled my eyes and drove home. will
Yes totally wrong. I have to leave at 6:30am. No way to get a full charge without starting before midnight.
Yes totally wrong. I have to leave at 6:30am. No way to get a full charge without starting before midnight.
You can presumably avoid this bug by not setting an end time. It doesn't sound like anyone on this thread actually needs it to stop charging at a particular time, so there's likely no downside. The end time is not providing a "have it charged by this time" function (unlike the G4) - it just allows it to be stopped before getting fully charged. Main usage would be to avoid more expensive electricity. There's no point in setting it to an expected departure time, unless you really want it to stop charging if you haven't left by that expected time.
@KMO: Yep, the feature I want is what is in the G4 (start when you have to, but end by this time). Alas the only options are start time or start+end time and it *always* starts and the start time then just ends when it's full (or end time I guess). You have to guess how long it will take to charge to get an end time close to your morning departure time. Good point on just not setting and end time. I've not tried that yet to see if the car will keep charging past midnight if no end time is set. I've been focused on playing with both. I'll try that the next time. will
I can give you my experiences with my 2024, GEN five. I don’t set any schedules at all, just plug the car in about 7 or 8 PM. It charges until midnight and then stops. The only way I knew it stopped, was that I checked the app about one a.m. and saw the status as “Plugged In”, not “Charging”. There was an option there to start charging, which I did, and it charged until it was full. I guess if I have to set an alarm for midnight to just check the app, I’ll start doing that. But that’s a real PITA, that Toyota could solve with a little better software.
I start my charge @ 00:05; five minutes pass midnight and get 99%-100% charge on my gen4 by 0430 in the morning. 110VAC outlet with an empty pack - right at the HV battery line; usually on HV when I hit my driveway.
Mine's ben charging without any issues past midnight since I got it two weeks ago. I have a charge schedule on the car based on when the lower overnight rates start before the peak rates start up again in the morning. I wonder why mine works and others seem to have problems.
Looking at your original post, it may be because of the days of the week. It looks like you'll only get what you want between Friday night and Saturday morning.
I set my schedule using the app and I have had zero problems. Who knows. Maybe it's a rare fault that not enough people have reported?
Have had success charging PP XSE Traction Battery across midnight at least two times now. Set the schedule in the Prius. Start charging at 9:30 pm, Stop charging at 8:00 am. Avoids use of higher cost 'Peak' grid power from 4:00PM-9:00PM here where I pay my power bill. I decided to charge at 120v, reducing the charge rate a little as comparedd to 240v charging. The middle of the night charging does not conflict with any other power usage at my home. I can charge all the solar power I have in the house solar system battery into the prius battery (sometimes its sufficient to fully charge the prius battery, sometimes its not). After the house battery is depleated, the power is provided by the grid, like a UPS setup. Reduced power charge rate might extend the full power life of my Prius battery a little, and finishing the charge to 100% just before using part of it should also help the Prius Battery last longer. Mine is a 2024 PP XSE I bought when it was ground-shipped to the dealer 12/30/223 (if that has any bearing on the software update that schedules the battery charging). YMMV
The above posts are encouraging. I haven't tried a timed charge over midnight in a while, but looks like it would be worth trying again. - if it is an app issue, then it may work! - if it is a car firmware issue, maybe they've fixed it on newer cars and I'll hopefully get an OTA update sometime. I'll report back, it may be a few days or even possibly a week due to some travel. will
Oops, I realized I didn't report back! Alas no change: - If I set a timer with no end time in the evening, the car charges as expected, continuing past midnight until it reaches full charge - If I set an end time too, the car stops at midnight regardless of the charge state at that time (usually not much!). I was pretty sure it was a software issue with the car, not the app, but was worth a try. Since the bug appears fixed on the 2024 Prime, I'm still hoping for an OTA update that fixes this eventually. will
Still seems to me you have no reason to set an end time. It's not providing you with any functionality - you don't want it to stop charging at 6am if it's not fully charged yet.