The other cars yeah, but not the Prius, it can't be shifted into Neutral when off. And if there's a bit of grade pushing becomes impossible anyway, but: the Prius has a few seconds of EV, a few more seconds would it possible for owners to avoid engine start up, for trivial driveway shuffles.
Get some dollies, drive up on em when you get home, find a way to make sure it doesn't roll away, then in the morning roll your car to where needed.... Prob an extreme pita and prob not worth the aggravation but heck sometimes saving 4 cents calls for extreme measures...just thinking outside the box.... Or's another possible solution, park elsewhere where you won't have to move your car every morning. Park up the block / on a side street / in the alley / make friends with farmer joe and park in his pasture and walk a little. I would do that just to save me the aggravation and lost sleep of daily shufflings...
OK, I checked it this morning and there's obviously a problem with time dilation around here. Either that, or I drive in reverse much faster than I thought . Just under fourteen seconds from pushing the Start button to the engine coming on.
LOL yeah unfortunately our schedules are not perfectly matched like that. Yes, that. There is really no such solution. All streets in my area, side or otherwise, are subject to a municipal no parking bylaw from 2-6AM in the winter. All neighbours have cars, and all have driveway/garage configurations of a type that would make it inconvenient to accommodate a neighbour's car. There are no farms here and no alleys.
why not park in a pay garage and take a cab to and from your home? call uber, what's the worst that can happen?
Are you sure the 2am-6am no parking by law is no parking period, or could it mean no parking if there is snow on the ground thus giving the plows a chance to clear the streets in the early am. That's how it is near me, no parking on right side of road if snow on roadway...
Sorry, we don't do the whole plow thing down here in the south... during our last ice-storm we had to borrow snow plows from Florida... can someone explain that one to me?
Well, quite simple… lots of municipalities in the N/E restrict street parking during snowstorms or as stated above restrict which side you can park on so the plows can make their passes and clear the street of that pesky white stuff… makes their job a lot easier not having to worry about playing bumper cars...
Haha! Can't answer that one. Maybe they have them doubling as dump trucks to help with all the sinkholes? That's gotta be some scary stuff though... Tampa area seems pretty volatile.
There you go, problem solved!!! Lol. Cept' that might cost slightly more than firing up the ol beast and doing the shuffle...
I am sure. I was ticketed for parking overnight on the street a few days into December, on a cold but totally dry day with no snow on the ground at all and none forecast.
I really wonder what purpose that ordinance serves then? To keep the roads always open in the wee hrs in case of snow perhaps? Or could simply be a quality of life ordinace so as to keep people from parking their junkers on the street for an indefinite period...
In some places it's to discourage converting a house into a bunch of illegal rental apartments, which results in way too many cars for the space available.