Euphony Ace EUPHONY ACE Destination: NEW WESTMINSTER B.C. ETA: 2009-06-12 18:45 or Destination: TACOMA ETA: 11.06.2009 12:30
My car is on that ship. I asked for no port installed options. I'll have to figure out how to install the driver's side floor mat posts myself when I order the set off the Internet.
CYPRESS TRAIL Destination: PORTLAND,USA ETA: 2009-06-16 16:00 HOEGH INCHON Destination: Los Angeles via Alaska ETA: 2009-06-18 18:00 I saw 2 ships that looked like this in port near Toyohashi, Japan from a web cam. Late May? They were across the harbor in the distance. Norway flagged? A Honda ship (said Honda in big letters )just left Portland. Used Columbia R. side of terminal. Toyota's on the Wilamette side.
So is the Overseas Joyce coming to Newark after the Andromeda Leader? My choice just got upgraded to the level V, which I really wanted, in my dealers next allocation. He doesn't know yet if it's on the Andomeda Leader like the scheduled IV he saved for me was or if it's on the next ship. He's digging for information for me.
I haven't seen a track for Overseas Joyce since it was in the Canal last Sunday. You show an ETA in Jacksonville today. Have you seen her actual position today? Thanks
Found Overseas Joyce Call sign V7NV4 Ship Status Report: callsign V7NV4 12 hours ago she was off Cuba approaching Havana She's now (2330) being reported off of Miami doing 19kts and should clearly make Jacksonville late Thursday.
The next 2 at the Canal. Not sure about the ace being Toyota's EXCELLENT ACE EXCELLENT ACE Destination: YOKOHAMA JAPAN ETA: 2009-05-29 19:30 Destination:Balboa ETA:21.06.2009 17:00 TEXAS HIGHWAY TEXAS HIGHWAY Destination: TOYOHASHI ETA: 2009-06-02 03:00 Destination:Balboa ETA:22.06.2009 00:00
James - you seem most knowledgable about this stuff. Why is it that sometimes the map shows no ships at all - not just the one I'm tracking - but ALL of them - even near a busy port! I'm afraid my car is lost in the Bermuda triangle!
It has to do with the time of day, weather systems, sun spots, ect... AIS is a VHF radio system. How far the signal travels depends on things like I listed above. There is a minimum target range for the ship based systems. The receiver data that we see depends on where they put the antennas. Some of the data is from "official" port systems like in Panama. Others are just interested parties like me or you. Vessel and Marine tracker are volunteer sites. Some times you can see all of the Gulf of Mexico and half the Atlantic but only for a few minutes. If the ship happens to be sending itinerary data and a Marine tracking site receives it we will be able to look it up later. This is how I see some of the ships in Japan from the China, Taiwan, and Korean sites. And just lucky sometimes
TEXAS HIGHWAY TEXAS HIGHWAY Destination: TOYOHASHI ETA: 2009-06-02 03:00 Destination:Balboa ETA:22.06.2009 00:00 Destination:Jacksonville ETA:26.06.2009 03:00 EXCELLENT ACE EXCELLENT ACE Destination: YOKOHAMA JAPAN ETA: 2009-05-29 19:30 Destination:Balboa ETA:21.06.2009 17:00 Destination:MANZANILLO PANAMA ETA:22.06.2009 12:00 OVERSEAS JOYCE Destination: CRISTOCL, Panama ETA: 2009-06-28 02:10 New Century 1 NEW CENTURY 1 Destination:Jacksonville ETA:22.06.2009 03:00
Century Highway No.2 CENTURY HIGHWAY NO.2 Destination:BENICIA CAL ETA:21.06.2009 20:00 Destination:Los Angeles ETA:24.06.2009 01:00
It parked at the Toyota dock so maybe... It's the other Pyxis, the old one. Pyxis PYXIS Destination: PORTLAND, USA ETA: 2009-06-22 12:00