Thanks JamesBurke for your response to my previous post. I was ready and excited to use the great info in this thread to track my car. I could hardly believe my ears when my salesman from the dealer called and said he had a car for me. I was lucky and two different people canceled their orders on the exact car I had ordered so I don't have to wait until November any more. I am the proud new owner of a blizzard pearl III w/navi.
Texas Highway TEXAS HIGHWAY Destination: NEWARK Arrives ETA: 2009-10-04 22:00 Pyxis Leader .d Ymz PYXIS LEADER Destination: BALBOA(PANAMA) Arrives ETA: 2009-10-08 06:00 Auriga Leader AURIGA LEADER Destination: LONG BEACH Arrives ETA: 2009-10-05 04:30 10/2/2009 ( ) PORTLAND Arrives
Century Leader 3 CENTURY LEADER 3 Destination: JACKSONVILLE Arrives ETA: 2009-10-07 Kentucky Highway KENTUCKY HIGHWAY Destination: PORTLAND Arrives ETA: 2009-10-06 17:00 New Century 2 NEW CENTURY 2 Destination: BENICIA Arrives ETA: 2009-10-08 ~
Edit Benicia did get a ship at last. Ships seem to be running light with mostly prius pre orders. Haven't seen a Prius on the lot here in weeks now, still sold out. Don't see anything else selling either. Binge and purge economic gimicks like CARS will probably hurt overall sales for the next year or so. Kentucky Highway KENTUCKY HIGHWAY Destination: NEW WESTMINSTER Arrives ETA: 2009-10-09 02:00 New Century 2 NEW CENTURY 2 Destination: LONG BEACH Arrives ETA: 2009-10-09 02:30
Bellona BELLONA Destination: PORTLAND Arrives ETA: 2009-10-11 Century Leader 3 CENTURY LEADER 3 Destination: NEWARK Arrives ETA: 2009-10-10 16:00 Pyxis Leader .d Ymz PYXIS LEADER Destination: JACKSONVILLE Arrives ETA: 2009-10-13
Apollon Leader APOLLON LEADER Destination: BENICIA Arrives ETA: 2009-10-13 17:30 Bellona BELLONA Destination: LONG BEACH Arrives ETA: 2009-10-14 08:00 Pyxis Leader .d Ymz PYXIS LEADER Destination: NEWARK Arrives ETA: 2009-10-16
My dealer called me today and said that my car would be coming on the "Polaris Leader". Ever hear of that ship? How can I see its schedule? Thanks for any help.
I have returned. Polaris Leader is not one of the ships Toyota has used so far. Will be updateing as I see I have PM's and email requests.
Updated the post #1 list. Approx port and times below. 1st 3 are way out at sea. Polaris Leader is nowhere to be seen. There might be a ship along the East Coast. Do Jacksonville 11/9/2009 then Sunbelt Sprit then another on 11/20/2009, 11/23/2009, 11/27/2009, 12/5/2009... Auriga Leader AURIGA LEADER Destination: Somewhere, sailed East on 10/25/2009 ETA: unknown New Century 2 NEW CENTURY 2 Destination: PORTLAND Arrives ETA: 2009-11-13 Overseas Joyce OVERSEAS JOYCE Destination: Benicia ? ETA: 2009-11-08 Sunbelt Spirit SUNBELT SPIRIT Destination: BALBOA(PANAMA) Arrives ETA: 2009-11-11 08:00
I made a few inquiries, and apparently the ship belongs to the NYK line, but I cannot find it on the AIS tracker. The dealer said my car was built on 14Oct, and that he would get an email from plant when car is loaded on ship. Does it usuallly take that long? Dealer also thought car would arrive at Newark, but a customer service rep from NYK said that it is more likely the ship would be going to Baltimore. I guess I will just have to wait and see, but it would sure be nice to track the ship.
Auriga Leader AURIGA LEADER Destination: BENICIA Arrives ETA: 2009-11-07 Century Highway No.2 CENTURY HIGHWAY NO.2 Destination: JACKSONVILLE Arrives ETA: 2009-11-08 09:00 Overseas Joyce OVERSEAS JOYCE Destination: Long Beach or East Coast ETA: 2009-11-08 They probably meant the Pyxis Leader .d Ymz PYXIS LEADER and not Polaris Leader. Pyxis Leader maybe to Newark around 12/10/2009. Polaris hauls Honda's I think.
Auriga Leader AURIGA LEADER Destination: LONG BEACH Arrives ETA: 2009-11-10 04:30 Overseas Joyce OVERSEAS JOYCE Destination: JACKSONVILLE Arrives ETA: 2009-11-19
POLARIS LEADERPOLARIS LEADER Destination: JACKSONVILLE Arrives ETA: 2009-11-12 08:45 At the Panama Canal but still don't think this is a Toyota ship because SET is not showing available inventory for the arrival date. Will see, fyi post.
Change in destinations coming. More ships and extra stops at Long Beach and Benicia. Century Highway No.2 CENTURY HIGHWAY NO.2 Destination: NEWARK Arrives ETA: 2009-11-10 21:00 Kentucky Highway KENTUCKY HIGHWAY Destination: PORTLAND Arrives ETA: 2009-11-10 21:00 New Century 2 NEW CENTURY 2 Destination: BENICIA Arrives ETA: 2009-11-10 22:30
SET=South East Toyota. GST=Gulf States Toyota. Private Contractors who run those areas for Toyota. If you Google Polaris Leader you will see it just took a load of BMW, VW, and Mini's to So. Cal. from Germany (Brand new ship). They get cargo #'s for their cars.
Thanks again, James. My dealer probably got it wrong. Perhaps my car came into Newark yesterday on the Century Highway No. 2? The car was supposedly built on 14 Oct. Would that be about the right length of time for it to get here?