Sure there WAS and IS. By EVERYBODY I have seen mention "capital gains" tax in ANY public forum. EVERY ONE. And some of them are talking about BIG gains too. But the rest of what you said is true also. In the end, my responsibility and I failed.
Apparently I see and read a very different selection of "EVERYBODY" and "EVERY ONE" than do some other people. Topic No. 409 Capital Gains and Losses | Internal Revenue Service What Are The 2020 & 2021 Capital Gains Tax Rates? – Forbes Advisor A Guide to the Capital Gains Tax Rate: Short-term vs. Long-term Capital Gains Taxes - TurboTax Tax Tips & Videos
Sure. You seem to do a LOT of things differently than most people. I was complaining about the way the tax is usually represented TO THE MASSES, on TV, radio and the print media. Sometimes even Tax Accountants that should know better insist on talking about the "15% long term capital gains tax", creating and reinforcing an INCORRECT picture of how it actually works.