also can we take this out of the washington state prius group and put this in the main forum. As most people won't read this thread as they have to join it and it does CAN-view no favours to have it buried here.
gee Frank, until you said that, i never realized that it was in the WA state group... i thought it was in the mods forum. i think we need to get a forum mod to move it.
Frank! You should have asked! I could show you some of it at the Diablo meetup! (Unless you wanted to take it apart!)
Ahhha your point? That's the way it is, famous words why is it doing that? I do not know, take it apart and see. along the way I've made a few discoverys, Cameras and pocket watches have given me a hard time, take them apart no problem put them together and make them work, problem, most other things no problem. I like engines and auto trannys and over drives and planetary reducitons, most things complex. But watches and cameras I turn them down. just the name of the game, mechanics.
Medical humor is sick, I thought everyone knew that!! That's how we cope sometimes, for good or ill, the humor helps you keep caring when bad things happen. Nope the hospital really frowns on parts left over. In fact they can get down right sticky on the subject. Back to the purpose of the thread. Nuff off topic. ½ of the connectors for my CAN View are in Canada!! Mike (one gallon south) volunteered to install it for me to learn about it. Maybe he would tolerate a crowd and we could have a CAN View party!