Except there are about 5 or 6 things I want to watch and they don't all fit on that screen. I need fuel flow, rpm (so I can see when I'm in a true stealth/hyperstealth), ICE temp (that can go sometime, but I'm watching it for now), Amps, SOC.
I'm going to suggest a compromise that when you enter EV mode, it returns to the last screen you pressed SAVE on. If that will do what you want. Posted by tomorrow evening hopefully (as a Beta version so you can go back if necessary).
If that's all I can get I'll take it! But then I can't upload it until you send me that card thingy I need anyway! :blink:
I would still like a next button cycle through graphic screens if you are on graphic screens, and if you are on text screens cycle through the text screens. I use EV but usually at the end of a drive. I am interested in many items now and would like to flip through them with one button push. I like both the graphic screens and the text screens and they do have slightly non overlapping information. Am I understanding what you presented correctly?
I like the idea of a tiny EV indicator on each screen, and auto EV return to the default screen! For the cycling idea I think one cycling button would be good, and each screen should have an on or off setting to participate or not in the cycling. Then someone could cycle just text or just graphs, or they could have a mix of their choice of 2 screens 3, or more. Suggest upper left area for the cycling button, being closest to the driver, and no need for a visible button.
I have been listening and working towards an acceptable change. When you enter EV mode, you jump to whatever screen you saved last. The graph, text and format screens now all share a small button in the bottom left corner. You can feel for it without looking. Pressing it cycles round the graph screens, OR the text screens, OR the format screens (yes that one overflowed) Making it go sequentially round the whole lot seems self defeating as a time saver. Graph and text screens share a common EV status button. Thats where I introduced a bug I am back-tracking on. I was hoping to make it show 'stealth' as well as EV. Hopefully fixed by tomorrow.
Norm, I love you man! I really can't tell you how much I appreciate your efforts on this and wish you great success with sales of this excellent much sought after product. Thanks so much for listening non-critically to our ideas--it's clear you understand that we love this product and just want to see it perfected.
have to agree with Evan here... Norm the way you pop out software upgrades makes me wonder why it takes microsoft YEARS to dfo anything.. granted their project is more complicated...but they do outnumber you by quite a margin
tried the new beta download from this aftenoon and I like the new display screen with the button to change back to the second last saved screen and the little box in the LLH of the screen that tells me when it's in stealth. Cool.
Norm, The new features are super! Stealth Indicator - run - EV on each page 7 text items on a page One button screen changing Brake % Second page of formatted data
My programer will arrive soon, it will arrive. This means I will have to boot up the Windoz box again.
Norm for my information and anyone else out there, I am having the TSB ECU recall flash done on Friday. Should I unplug CAN View compleatly (ie disconnect the box) before I have the Prius Tech do that or is just pulling the plug under the dash enough?
wouldnt they have to unplug the CANVIEW. i thought they did programing through the same port...or do they? Henry... hope you do enough driving by Sunday morning so you can give me an evaluation on how it changed your Prius if any?
The I did not mean the CAN plug that has to be unplugged. I was wondering about the box it does draw a bit of power, and I was wondering about any other effect on the Prius or the CAN View. I am going to make sure the iPod is out and unplugged, as well as the cell phone charger. I am probably being overly compulsive again. I understand they have a pill for that now! :blink:
Hi Henry, actually I'd like to know which plug they use to do their flash programming (and why it apparently takes hours to do something that should take a few seconds) I can't imagine them plugging into the MFD port as that can't talk to all the other ECUs. But if they get awkward, removing the 9pin molex from the CAN-view box should be sufficient. CAN-view itself draws insignificant power, less than 70mA. Do they perhaps go in via the OBD2? Which unplugs easily enough, unless you cable-tied it too close. Please let us know which connector they do use, if they will tell you. And I too want to know about the magic upgrade as I've now got my notice (and only 3 years to decide whether to do it)
one part is done thru the OBD2 port. I'd disconnect that one and just to be certain that there are no problems I'd just unplug the CAN-view module and connect the nav back as standard. Then there is nothing that can interupt their updating.
The 2 hours thing is a mystery to me as well. Why so long? I guess that there are a "lot" of checks on the programing? I will ask about that.