Don't be secret about it..... I want it too... this thing sounds like it can be very intimidating.. I want to know if its worth it!
Saga continues.... this morning on the way to work I hit the AUDIO button to switch XM channels. Hit Audio again. Instead of the blank screen as I described above I got the "I Agree" splash screen! But get this, the soft keys didn't work....touched them, no beep, no screen change, nada. I was able to repeat this process several times. Then, I thought I'd test the MAP/NAV buttons. So, from the CAN-View screen I hit the MAP, got the "I Agree" screen and the soft key worked fine as did the Dest buttons and everything else. I then hit the AUDIO again, got the AUDIO screen, hit it again to try to go back and got the same blank screen I'd had yesterday! Hitting INFO twice got me back to CAN-View. Odd..
the list is available on his website and to get a list now would only be incomplete at best. the parameters listed are nearly double what they were two months ago when i got my CANVIEW. as he or others figure out new parameters, they are added. having a fledging Prius tech with access to all the diagnostic tools at a Toyota Shop would be invaluable!! soooo. when ya getting yours?
dave, can ya send me the link? we went over the website last night and couldn't find a definitive list. we're still mulling it over- still recovering from vacation expenses, other things above and beyond normal, and he needs a couple more tools first.
on the left panel it displays a link for each screen and what each screen contains. i am currently not in an area where i can write...also cannot talk my secretary into copying the list...(actually we are driving back from the Seahawk rally and she is still working on her email and will only check a post for every 10 whatevers she is doing) not true...he wants me to read the same thing over and over...
Don't tell your DH but I have the bits that I need and will start working on a splitter so that I can plug in the CAN-View and, well, something else in to the CAN Bus. Now all I have at my house is the ScanGage. Others may have, well, different monitoring devices to watch the CAN output... while investigating the RAW Hex CAN data. Soon the Hex will disappear and all I will see it the Matrix. I have visions of what might be learned. I wil keep everyone posted on how this goes.
Ok it's a done deal the CAN BUS appears to be divided between two monitors. Ok Detroit knows this and those folks in Germany and Japan and Engineers all over the world but here it is. You can build a splitter and run two CAN BUS monitors at the same time. I have posted a few pictures here : . I just hope others will do this and we can expand what we know about the CAN BUS data. This is not new you (not me yet) can add a serial output from the CAN-View to a computer now. This is a bit more simplistic. Now if one could add the THHS and the CAN-View together. I have no idea how much power they might draw? Time to chime in. The concept is proven. Oh Galaxee don't tell your DH about this it might be bad, he does not need to know about this, given that he has access to a lot of instrumentation.
Dang, $32/cable! I'm just suprised there isn't a readi-made splitter of this type available somewhere already.
I looked and could not find a ready built one but is probably out there. It is too easy an idea. I went for the easy route and just got the cables despite the cost to save time. I could have built the entire set up from scratch but knew if I did that it would take another week and I would have to truck around to find the wire/cable. For me the added cost was worth the time I have to do other things. I find trying to drive at night and watch 2 monitors is not a good idea even on a disserted road. I will try again this weekend. It would be impossible to do in traffic. I think that it will either need two people or just doing it stationary.
lately I browse for technical purposes the CAN interface. Really it is being used only 4 wires and this are: #5 as ground, # 6 is DATA, # 14 is DATA and #16 as power. All others are not being used for our Prius cars.CAN Connector wiring Now, if you have NORM's CanView ( an exceptional tool and accesory), you could tap righ in the 4 pins header interface with a serial cable to the other application. Hope this help to you ( if not to late already) and others. Horacio
thanks Horacio, that's good to know as it would make it a lot cheaper to put together a splitter from scratch.
Thanks I did not have that information, and I wanted to be compatible with any device even if I did not know how it was attached so I went for the bruit force method, safe, effective and for those with out a broad back ground in electronics safe? What can I say I am not in to risk with my car.
I'm sorry about the coincidence about it Dave, we are at oposite ends of our geography with a comon interest, Prius Chat and our cars. Greetings from Long Island, New York. And, probably other Prius enthusiast can join us with the same " DUAL PWR " plate from the 50 US estates, that would be great!!
ok now we need to start a club... need like 56 more members, (48 states and canadian provinces, DC... guessing on the number here.)
Sorry to get back on topic but are there any new ideas on the mystery item? It does not appear to be % load at least if you compare the ScanGage and CAN View data. Only problem is the CAN View updates data much faster but at least when the CAN View is stable I am not seeing identical numbers. What ever it is it is proportional to % load, but so is throttle position, RPM and fuel rate. Any theories?