I had the same question/remark ready for Norm but he provide us the propper technical explanation. Thanks Eflier.
I'm getting there slowly. The reason I didn't put all parameters on all screens is that for each parameter a certain amount of code gets used and I was almost at the limit of the CAN flash memory (16k) So I had to prioritise. The jan19th update was the result of a major re-write to free up some code space which now gives me a bit more room again. (I don't think I'm inefficient in coding; I've been writing optimised assembler for small micros for 20 years and I think there's little room left for further savings.) So I can try to make existing parameters available on more screens, but still leave some room for possible new parameters. I'd also like to see things settle down for a bit to be sure any bugs are either fixed or get reported. And before someone asks why I didn't just use a chip with more memory in the first place, its because 16k is the biggest available in that series. Due to Silabs microprocessor marketing strategies, you can't just buy more ROM, you have to buy a whole bunch of other features, so to get even 32k would have tripled the CAN processor cost and I doubted anybody would pay. (Weird thought, doesn't this sound like the Prius package pricing strategy?)
Not a big problem on the functions Norm, I just thought the options might all sit in one area to be accessed from any of the various text/graph buttons...didn't realize they'd be attached individually. But, I have a major bug with CANView, current software Jan266. I can't access any of the buttons on the right of the NAV screen (Menu, DEST, MAP), nor can I get the MAP to come up with the MAP button on the steering wheel. No matter what screen I'm on (could be consumption, energy, or the CAN-View screen when I hit those buttons it just flashes over to the last CAN-View screen I had been on. Could this be a lose plug or something? (I don't think any are lose and everything else works fine). Somebody else with NAV please confirm my observations.
Ok, Norm, as usual, got back to me ASAP with the solution. Here's his e-mail... Go to SETUP, then VIDEO setup and check that the line 'Video [1 or 2] toggles with AUDIO '[YES/No]' does it say YES? If you say NO, it will also prevent NAV screens from being displayed. Not enough room to show this on the screen, I need to think how to describe this with the minimum number of displayed words. This YES/NO used to be the old 'version [1/2]' which apparently caused confusion. I'll have to re-think
DON'T do this if you have the same problem....I can't get back to my CAN-View screen now! NAV & MAP work fine, but no CAN-View.... Norm's aware and I'll post the response.
what did it do with the headlights off? just a blue screen? or did you have it set to a black background screen all the time? Edit: worst comes to worst the repair is easy, just reflash it. Mind you by the time your off work Norm will probably have an updated .hex file
He HAS updated the HEX files! I don't know what it does with lights on...didn't check and can't until after I get off work at MN. I have the settings for black with lights on in the set-up and that had been working perfectly until the change on the audio for video 2 change thing.
geez already??? i just installed jan26 this morning. wow... keeping CANVIEW updated with the latest is getting to be a lot of work... that is saying a lot when talking about a 10 minute process (yes ive done it so many times that i can do it in 10 mins EASY)
well I do it often enought that I now have a computer dedicated just to CAN-View, as I use the Flashblaster2 unit I even named the computer Dilogic and today put the LPT2 port on the front. No digging around the back to hook it up, it's always connected on the front and the only Program on it is Flashblaster. It's used with a KVM switch. Old unit so it's only got win98. I was walking out of work a month or so ago and IT Frank said hey you want an old pentium223mmx? it work? yup. Ok I'll take it, I don't need it but I'll take it. So today was the day to do the LPT2 mod. Just in time to try it. New .hex files.
hey i had one of those...actually its a 233 mhz pentium mmx. the last one before they went to Pentium II's
Blank screen update.... 1)Video 1 and 2 are set to "Yes" toggle with audio 2)The blank screen is blank/black headlights off or on. 3)I can get back to the CAN-View....The deal is this, when I hit the AUDIO button from CAN-View it goes to the audio screen. When I hit AUDIO again it goes to the blank screen, when I hit it a third time it goes back to CAN-View. But hitting anything else (on the bezel) while on the blank screen keeps the screen black or toggles the appropriate screen (ie hitting info brings the info screen, then hitting again brings back the blank screen). This makes me think I still need to tweak my setup screen settings...just not sure how/what/why.
hi norm, just curious- do you have a list of exact parameters that the CAN VIEW can display? it know it's pretty long- you can email it to me. just click on my username and use the email link in there. thanks -g and her hubby