CAN-VIEW (Recovered)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by D0li0, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Oh that pin the one I had to disassemble and reassemble the dash three times? Soldering is much easier than pinning? Oh I guess I would still have to do the pin thing. Pinning was much easier in College, even if it turned out to be much more permanent.
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Maybe I need to clarify my question...

    I already have an EV button installed. But since it's a North American car there is no EV status button. I like the indicator you have on the CAN-VIEW that shows EV engaged/Normal/EV not allowed. Will activating my current EV button display "EV active/engaged on the CAN-VIEW as is or would I need to tap the CAN-VIEW into the PIN 27 to see the status?
  3. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    Soory about the confusion.
    CAN-view will display EV status derived from the CAN bus. You could leave your original EV switch as-is. There is no need to make a connection to the CAN-view, that was only added for completeness for those who absolutely had to have screen activation, or who may not yet have installed the infamous pin 27.
    By the way, the transition to displaying the EV status is not as smooth as I'd like. As you're aware, engaging EV causes the MFD to drop whatever it was displaying and jump to the Prius energy screen. But its doesn't inform the AVC-bus its done that for about 1 second. That means you get a short jump to the energy screen before I make it jump back to 'my' electrical screen.
  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    That's what I wanted to hear!

    Now, that leads to the next question. With CAN-VIEW installed and only my EV button. When I engage EV mode will it jump to the Energy Screen then to the CAN-VIEW screen or does it just stay on the Energy Screen?
  5. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    It ends up on the CAN-view electrical screen and stays there until you select a different screen.
  6. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Cool....I think you just became my hero!
  7. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    Hi to all CAN-view enthusiasts out there and thanks for your support. It has only been through the interaction of postings that CAN-view has evolved to its present state, which still won't satisfy everyone, but almost certainly more than would have been the case before this thread started. Which is perhaps the best argument for discussing a product in detail before its actually available.

    Danny and I have reached an agreement where I will become a PriusChat sponsor and sell through the Sonsored Commercial Sales Forum. So this is where you will find CAN-view as soon as the sponsorship is set-up. This way I can sell and ship first to those who have expressed interest rather than simply the first person to hit a 'buy' button.

    I will be building these myself, one by one, at least until it becomes clear if there is more interest than just the few dedicated die-hards out there in Prius land. So I will only be accepting orders that I know I can build and ship within say 3 weeks of order. That means I will limit initial orders to a total of 20,even though I now have parts for 50 of each version.

    So check out Sponsored Commercial Sales Forum under PriusChat Marketplace, a thread should be there soon.
  8. hawkjm73

    hawkjm73 New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Phoenix, Arizona
    As a nav equipped Prius owner, I am enthusiastically looking forward to a nav compatible edition. I am wondering, is the main trouble getting the video output of the Can-View onto the screen? If so, is it possible to output the video to composite then let one of the various general video interface boxes transmit to the screen? The interface box I have uses a ground switch to switch the video from the nav, and it is only available when the system is displaying nav related screens. It seems it would likely not be as automatic as the current models, but could be a functional device for now.
  9. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    no perhaps 'problem' gives the wrong impression. I did the version without NAV first because that is what my Prius is and I could troubleshoot any problems. Also because I wanted to do something for us 'poor' none NAV owners. So while I'm focussed on building and shipping the first few none-NAV versions, Frenchie will be focussed on the NAV version and C4 on the Classic version.
    Primary issue with NAV is that now CAN-view has to easily plug in between the NAV unit and the MFD, rather than to the MFD directly. Frenchie is happy to sever the NAV cable and wire in the CAN-view in its place, but I imagine most people want a unit with a plug-and-play cable adapter. So 2 more of those %$#@! custom Toyota connectors to source.
    Secondary issue is that now CAN-view has to recognise the new MAP/DEST/MENU switches that don't exist in my Prius and switch you to factory NAV when one is pressed. Not a big issue but that and other related issues need doing properly. We won't know what other issues appear till Frenchie finds them.

    Until a 'clean' plug and play approach is created, what you are suggesting is effectively a relay box that manually switches between CAN-view and NAV. And you are suggesting a composite input to that switch box because thats what yours comes with. Well, the CAN-view has RGB O/P not composite, because, like your NAV, thats what it needs to get a crisp display. Composite just produces a fuzzy text display (but an acceptable camera image). Your switch box accepts RGB from your NAV and forwards RGB to the MFD. It accepts composite NTSC, converts it to (fuzzy) RGB and switches the 2 RGB signals with your ground switch. Now if you could (or are prepared to) wire the 4 CAN-view RGB and sync wires to the output of your NTSC-RGB converter, rather than composite to its input, that would work. Still a manual switch as you say, but it should work.
    Anybody willing to risk that experiment or is it better to wait?
    regards, Norm

    PS just a thought. Presumably you got your switch box because you wanted to add an NTSC source such as a back-up camera. Well the bulk of the cost of that box is the NTSC-RGB converter. If you didn't need that but simply something that switched 2 separate RGBsync sources into a common output that would be much cheaper. Your box, like CAN-view most likely uses electronic multiplexers because of simple logic control and small size. But in theory, all you need is a 4 pole changeover relay in a shielded metal box.
  10. hawkjm73

    hawkjm73 New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Phoenix, Arizona

    Ahh, I just have not yet learned to think in video conversion terms. I should have realised that. Now, I wouldn't have a problem jury-rigging a switch in between the little video box and the MFD, at least as a temporary. Though, it would probably be simpler as a test to send in the RBG+sync from some simple video device first. Any ideas offhand of something I cound try that outputs RGB naturally with the right sync?

    Also, the hijacked video with these converters is only visible when the nav screens are active. Does the CAN-View make itself active via the CAN? Does it have a specific wire that is hot or grounded when the Can-view is active? If so, then a relay could switch in the video signal while the Can-view notifies the CAN it wants the focus. The info button could still toggle it, and, for now, the extra nav buttons could be ignored. If the screen is at the Can-view, the user would have to first toggle over to normal prius screens before going to the nav, but thats not to big a deal (to me, at least). But, if Frenchie's playing with it, it is likely to end up much more thourough then the francenstien I'm trying to will into being.

    Any idea which end of the cable the CAN-View will attach to? The Nav box end would make the install a lot easier, and it would be easier to merge with the video converter boxes for cameras.

    As another thought, the makers of the video boxes can obviously get those nastly little connectors. Maybe they would be willing to sell some piecewise?

    Good luck to you and Frenchie, without whom, I probably would have fried my backup camera. B) And don't worry, I fully understand the non-nav's being first. I'm just jumping up and down with joy that someone is actually, truely making the awesome geeky things Toyota should have built in in the first place!
  11. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    1) Yes, unlike those video switch boxes, the CAN-view does connect to the MFD video all by itself.
    2) No it doesn't have a wire thats hot when it is active, because the idea of controlling an external box thats needed as well as CAN-view just to make it work with NAV isn't an ideal solution. But failing all else, yes I can program it to drive a reed relay to control an external signal box. But hopefully an internal solution will appear.
    3) I agree that right next to the NAV and any camera input is the best location
    4) a test..."something that outputs RGB naturally with the right sync?" You've got me there. I don't know of anything readily available that O/Ps that. But if you mean you want to wire up something to switch between your current RGBs (from a camera?) and a new RGBs input just as a test, and be certain it is working, why not just tack over another 4 wires from your camera converter output but swap the red/blue? That way it will be obvious if you are switching correctly without having to pay anything. just a (cheap) suggestion.
    5) Interesting thought, that makers of video switch boxes might sell hard-to-get connectors to an upstart competitor. Anybody out there willing to do that? Anybody willing to do a search for a matching plug and socket for the NAV? In the spirit of hastening a with-NAV solution?
  12. frenchie

    frenchie Member

    Oct 19, 2004
    France, not far from PARIS
    Other Hybrid
    Oh NO , I will not cut the nav cable, but because of some prior experiences, I have already some connectors (so difficult to get).
    I was waiting for the can_view today, but no news from DHL...
    I think I will do a full report to eflier on saturday.
  13. c4

    c4 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    The Canview ver 2, with its two video input ports seems to have the basis of everything needed to work with a Nav-equipped Prius.. Conceptually, it's rather simple- tap off the IEBUS TX+/- for control, the nav video output goes to the Canview SCART and the video can be internally switched by the Canview under software control, but you still need to be able to detect the button presses to know when to switch back to the nav and have the connectors available to make the installation plug-and-play..

    In terms of connectors, I've made a number of home-made connectors with D-sub pins/sockets, shrink tube and hot-melt glue.. Such connectors work quite well and made with a bit of care, can look quite decent, but the real problem is that it's labour intensive and not something you want to do for several hundred connectors.. It is also possible to do some CAD drawings and have your own clone connectors made at pretty much any contract manufacturing firm, but in small quanitities (ie less than 1000), it may not be cost effective (although I would surmise, not so far off from paying for shipping from Japan for a handful of connectors at a time).. I'd be willing to bet that most of these aftermarket units are not using genuine Toyota connectors but clones..

    Then there's the new generation of 3d printers- at work, we've been looking at a Stratasys 3d printer for rapid prototype work.. It's a really amazing device- you design your part in 3d CAD and feed it to the printer, which basically starts building it by printing layers of ABS plastic down. It's a relatively slow process (most parts take overnight to build), but it's still faster and cheaper than sending to a prototype shop, and the ABS is incredibly tough- there have even been cases where the printer was used to make production parts.. At $25K, it's actually incredibly cheap too, considering its amazing capabilities and if you did a lot of prototyping, it would pay for itself in no time at all.. If everyone on PriusChat contributes a few dollars, we can buy one of these and supplies and make all the custom connectors and parts that we need.. What do you say guys??
  14. kenkneeb

    kenkneeb Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    So. Central, Pacific SouthWest Oregon
    FYI, PBT = Polybutylene Terephthalate

    More 411 at:

    Aint Plastics Great!

  15. kenkneeb

    kenkneeb Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    So. Central, Pacific SouthWest Oregon
    ...tough- there have even been cases where the printer was used to make production parts.. At $25K, it's actually incredibly cheap too, considering its amazing capabilities and if you did a lot of prototyping, it would pay for itself in no time at all.. If everyone on PriusChat contributes a few dollars, we can buy one of these and supplies and make all the custom connectors and parts that we need.. What do you say guys??

    So does anybody have an idea when the 'CANVIEW - FINAL EDITION - READY FOR PRIME TIME' version may be hitting the streets???

    Inquiring knob twittlers want to know!

    Thnks, KenyOregon
    (since there's a dearth of Ken's I thought I'd ad my geo suffix to differentiate.
  16. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    So does anybody have an idea when the 'CANVIEW - FINAL EDITION - READY FOR PRIME TIME' version may be hitting the streets???

    Inquiring knob twittlers want to know!

    Thnks, KenyOregon
    (since there's a dearth of Ken's I thought I'd ad my geo suffix to differentiate.
    I would be willing to contribute to such an effort and commit to purchasing the final product. I really want to learn more about this car, get some idea how it works.
  17. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    couple of days, ordered mine, should be here in about a week
  18. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    Hi Ken, if you go up screen a few replies you'll see CAN-view IS on sale, but ONLY through the PriusChat Sponsored Commercial Sales Forum. Its easy to miss 1 post in 87 and counting, which is why I put everything in one fixed location at

    FINAL EDITION? Well both versions are now signed off by me as fully functional except for packages with factory NAV but the intent is that it will never be a final edition but re-programmed as PriusChat members deduce the meaning of more CAN messages.
    Since my 100 PCBs finally came in this morning from Oregon, (Hey, just a goldarn minute here, Oregon???, KenyOregon, you're not the guy who delayed my UPS delivery guy out of the PCB plant in Mulino, OR are you?) I'm now building units over the next 7 days for those who have already ordered and paid.

    READY FOR PRIME TIME? CAN-VIEW? Nah, I don't think its ever destined for Prime Time, more like laid-back regular driving time.....
    regards, Norm (eflier)
  19. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Nooorm! I am sorry I could not help my self, it just seemed right.
  20. talonts

    talonts VFAQman

    Jan 9, 2004
    2006 Prius

    Thank you for making my life hellish ;)

    I have an 04 non-NAV, but am looking into buying an 06 NAV car and giving the 04 to my wife.

    Now I have to decide if I should go for package 6 instead of 7 and add the AVIC-88 :-/

    Anyone here using the AVIC-88, and had a chance to compare it to the Prius NAV?

    I'm probably still leaning towards the pkg7, as it would get me the steering wheel controls without adding that funky Pioneer remote, but I'm just not sure...