I have the CAN-view working in my Prius with NAV. Installation was extremely easy, easier then the coastaltech EV switch. I just got external video from my computer working too. I can post more details for those who want it, right now I'm still tweaking. I'm basically converting VGA to RGBS that is fed into a SCART connector. I'm using powerstrip (a PC program) to output 640x480i at NTSC signals. The picture is fairly decent, I can actually read text at normal font sizes although it isn't terribly sharp. I'm also getting some scan line artifacts. My end goal is to get a mac mini working. My old titanium powerbook doesn't want to spit out the right signals. I'm hoping to see if a friends mac mini will. If not I guess I'll be stuck with a PC.
oh oh... already have a problem with being connected to the internet on the freeway... too much temptation!!
Did you notice any degradation of the regular NAV screen from passing through the CAN-view? I have seen PC RGB video degrade (soft edges and ringing) from passing though a TV-tuner overlay card.
More details please! I would love to get this working for a custom audio solution (and maybe more) using a laptop - I know I can interface with the touchscreen, but what are you doing to get such a decent picture? How are you connecting the laptop to the CAN-view (what make/model converter did you get?) What sort of settings are you using in powerstrip? (or is it pretty self-explanitory?) Thank you very much! -Eric Fitchett
ok i need to clarify my post. i do not connect to CANVIEW with a laptop. i do have a Mac Powerbook that i use for my GPS solution and its not connected to the car in any way. i also have the verizon wireless aircard that allows internet connection through the cell tower network.
I've done a bit more work. Finally got my Mac working, and some touch screen stuff too. I couldn't get the Mac version of a powerstrip like program (SwitchResX) to output the right signals. I ended up buying a used professional scan conveter off of ebay (just do a search of scan converter, there are always some available) I bought the extron emotia circa 1994 for $60 including shipping. It outputs RGB+S through BNC which I'm feeding directly into the SCART cable. I may go with another brand because this one is going to be hard to run off of DC (using an inverter now, it has 5 pins, +12V, -12V and 5V in, some other are just 9v in) To answer someone's other post I don't see any degredation with the NAV screen passing through the Can-View. Here is a page with some images, including a short movie demoing Apple's Front Row working off of the touch screen. I have a perl script listening on the serial port, which then spits out apple script commands to control Front Page. Even Norm was impressed with the clarity of the images. http://www.kusnetz.net/prius/ Still no audio, there seem to be a number of aux in solutions out there, that is the next step in the project. I figured the video would be the harder part. If anyone has some known working solutions I'm all ears!
I used this solution but would love to get a Mac Mini running on my car. http://www.threedoubleyou.com/otherconverters.htm