I was at a convention in Las Vegas during the early 70s when there was this loud, distant, bang. I thought it was an earthquake, but the s wave never arrived. Turned out that it was an atomic bomb test. Rather hard to keep that one secret...
Further 1970s tests there are not immediately obvious by searching. Does not prove their absence. Baneberry blew out, apparently, because there was more moisture in the materials above than expected. In a sense it was a steam explosion. But with a lot of radioactive iodine
List of shots here http://www.nv.doe.gov/library/publications/historical/DOENV_209_REV15.pdf For those in an 'internet environment' where it can be downloaded
Could be. It was the Comdex convention, usually in early December. I would have guessed '72 or '73, but how many bomb tests did they announce during December of later years? Any record of which way the wind was blowing that day? Toward or away from Las Vegas is all I care about. My brother-in-law has a very unusual blood anomaly that looks similar to sickle cell. Not likely in a Scottish Caucasian, but he was born when an atomic plume reached Los Angeles. Of course everyone denies that the atomic cloud ever did anything like that, but he still has this anomaly that no one can explain. No obvious symptoms outside of the visual on examining his blood.
Shot info should be in link@45 not accessible from here. I understood there was at least a gap after Baneberry while the oops was getting figured out. If you have normal thyroid function decades later, I'd say you didn't get bit. 131-Iodine has 8-day half life. Concerning general public exposure to testing in US, many studies and maps have been made. I'm not able to claim they are 100% complete.
131-Iodine is nasty IMHO. When fellow grad students (lacking great lab skills) were iodinating proteins I would leave the premises.
one thing's for certain - this thread contains a 'tidal-wave' - of info. Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation to 'crack' everyone up. .
These quakes have also stopped operations at China lake Naval Air Weapons Station. It is a large place. Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in Ridgecrest Evacuated, Deemed Not ‘Mission Capable’ After Quake | KTLA Means that if you go to 'Star Wars' canyon, you are unlikely to see military jets doing photogenic things there. Also, it's July, hot as Tatooine.
I hope you or somebody here collects this pdf. Not understanding about Calif censorship. The shots were all in Nevada. Well, there was Gnome in New Mexico, but it is not often mentioned.
This Wired article was written before earthquake swarm: Move Over, San Andreas: There’s an Ominous New Fault in Town | WIRED
Interesting. I've run low body temperature for many years. My TSH was about 4.5 (normal enough for several doctors to refuse extra thyroid). I take 2 grains of natural thyroid now and temperature is closer to normal. I have the AIDs folks to thank for loosening up the import procedures so that I can purchase American made natural thyroid from Singapore. TSH is now about 1, and life is better.
The authorities who might have blocked your access didn't have to do anything on this one. The site, including that document, isn't accessible here in California. The shots were all within earshot of Las Vegas, but the wind carried the results as far as Los Angeles and southern Utah. Back on topic (sorta), my nephew used to live in Hollister, California. That's where the San Andreas and Hayward faults meet. He fell out of a tree due to an earthquake. I've heard that the area has almost daily earthquakes strong enough to feel. Nothing locked up there...
Found a better link to DOENV_209_REV15.pdf (rev 16 actually) Sorry that earlier url was a snipe hunt) I got it here https://www.nnss.gov/docs/docs_LibraryPublications/DOE_NV-209_Rev16.pdf and after Baneberry 1970 December there was no slowdown of underground shots. Offsite detection of radioactivity release in 1980 Sept, 1985 Apr, 1986 Mar, 1986 Apr. There is perhaps no reason to assume only 'releasing events' would have made noise in Las Vegas. But if one assumes that, Baneberry was the thing.
Overall the number of underground shots after Atmos testing ban is amazing (to me). Future archaeologists snuffling around Nevada test site will utter their linguistic equivalent of W T F?
Also found the document on the Wayback machine at Wayback Machine It's there for June 26, 2008, but the later copies have some sort of restricted access. 7:30 AM on Thursday, 12/17/1970 at the Nellis range. Guess that's why the CIA build new digs for the Tall Whites at area 54