They work fine as long as I don't turn them off when I turn the lights off. DRL's are a key safety feature. I think US is only country that ignores the stats and doesn't require them on all vehicles. I just assumed a high end vehicle like Prius would include DRL's standard. Never thought to check. Same really with Auto/On/Off especially with car with digital, always lit, dash where the cue to turn on lights is dash becomes hard to read.
High end? Our Corolla has DRLs (high beams on low power). There is a FE penalty to running lights and I wonder if that is why the US Prius doesn't have them.
The highest trim may use advanced technology, but the Prius is hardly high end. In fact, some people consider it an econobox.
There's a FE "penalty" for ABS brakes, air bags, crash cages, side reinforcement. There's a LIFE and LIMB penalty for not having DRL's. It's why Europe, Canada et al require them.
You're overstating the safety feature of DRLs. See Pros and Cons of Daytime Running Lights It's a bit outdated as DRLs are now mandated to come on at 50% intensity, but check out the link showing that DRLs do not reduce accidents.
Not just my view, the NHSTA. Lots of well-meaning but misguided laws on the book such as the noisemakers, etc.
I can agree if you're in the southern states. Come up here where the sun at midday in winter is right in your face as you drive south and tell me DRLs don't help you spot oncoming traffic. It's invaluable (esp. since people don't turn on their headlights here as often as I thought they would given the latitude but I guess if you're travelling north you can see just fine and it's 12 noon)