<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Dec 24 2006, 08:38 AM) [snapback]366282[/snapback]</div> That's not too bad. Much better than mine. Your's was 52.0 when we started off to Henry's last week. Thanks for taking me. My mileage was 47.1 mpg when my wife picked me up at the airport. Now it's down to 45.3. Been driving through snow (not deep, but enough to lose energy), and colder weather. Only did one trip to Spokane which got it back up to 47, but now its down again. If I only drove around Cheney, it would be down to 40 in no time. That's even with already 300+ miles on this tank. I expect to get my CAN-View installed this afternoon. I may have to put blankets under the hood. Are "space blankets" still available. Evan's insulation looks like it would do a good job, but if it's fiberglass, I don't want the irritant around. Dave M.
well Dave, i (THANK GOD!@@!) dont have to deal with the same kind of weather as you do. for anyone in an area that has cold weather like Spokane, i think 45 mpg is actually pretty good mileage. my sister's 32 mpg Honda Civic is only getting around 22-24 mpg right now and she is about 80% freeway and only 40 miles north of me so her weather is pretty much the same as mine.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Dec 24 2006, 11:00 AM) [snapback]366328[/snapback]</div> I've been looking at the 2k4 and with the front cover off if you look down at the bottom of the under belly in front of the rad you'll see some rather large holes in it, in Spokane with a CAN-view I wouldn't hesistate to block those off as well. Just monitor your temps and anytime you see it around 200 pull out some of the rad blocker. 200F is where the cooling fans turn on and that is a waste of energy. Those holes are for emergency cooling, say if your on the highway and it's 90F outside and your running the A/C if you pickup a plastic bag or something that covers your grill area you could get over heating. In the pacific north west in winter time that won't happen. We'd like to pickup a plastic bag and have it block the grill!
Was getting just over 55mpg a few weeks ago on my 75 miles per day commute. I'm now getting about 51+ mpg, so even here in Santa Cruz just a 20 degree drop in temperature is felt. It wasn't like hitting a wall, the gas mileage slowly dropped until it seems to have bottomed out. Saw my first snowflake (on the dash) ever this year commuting over to Santa Clara from Santa Cruz. It wasn't on the whole way, just for about 15 minutes, but it was a surprise. I didn't commute as far last winter, didn't get out of Santa Cruz much, so didn't see this last winter at all. Can't wait for spring again, now that it's officially winter... -Roger
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon @ Dec 24 2006, 12:26 PM) [snapback]366353[/snapback]</div> Thanks for that tip. I've got the grills blocked (except for the top of the lower grill), but haven't looked for other air leaks. Dave M.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rogerSC @ Dec 24 2006, 05:17 PM) [snapback]366405[/snapback]</div> did about 10 miles today in heavy rain and it was noticeable. I hit one puddle and the wall of water went over the center divider and hit a bus. He had brake lights on when I check the rearview mirror. Probably more of a shock to him than anything. It rained an inch and a third since noon today. Enough to hurt anybodys mileage.
the rain really affected my mileage too. i was in the low 50's. had one trip i normally average around 51-52, dropped to 42 mpg. but after yesterday, i recovered quite a bit. very warm, scattered light rain only, in the 50'sºF got me back to low 51's mpg
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Dec 22 2006, 02:07 PM) [snapback]365772[/snapback]</div> Sorry, but I actually meant to ask you this before: Where the heck in Canada are you in? BC? 5l/100k (47mpg) in these winter months is pretty darn good. Cheers; MSantos
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MSantos @ Dec 26 2006, 08:10 PM) [snapback]367013[/snapback]</div> I think he pushes his Prius up all the hills here in Vancouver and coasts down the other side! Best I can do is 5.3
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MSantos @ Dec 26 2006, 08:10 PM) [snapback]367013[/snapback]</div> Good guess. You're right. The same place as Frank, Dave, Presto and Ecojosh. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon @ Dec 26 2006, 08:16 PM) [snapback]367016[/snapback]</div> lol. I'm surprised you're not getting better mileage than I. Your area's flatter isn't it? Also you get better summer mileage than I do so I expected that to be carried over during the winter.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Dec 26 2006, 10:48 PM) [snapback]367071[/snapback]</div> I got hit with a whole bunch of short trips in the "drizzle" that we've been enduring for what seems like and eternity. It actually climbed up tp 5.4 but with some deft pedal useage I've managed to drop it down to 5.3 at 470k into the tank. I can't wait for spring to return.
Thanks in part to a generally warm December here. And in no small part to my ability to use my EBH to pre-warm before almost every drive (I'd say 75% of the time) and the grill blocking/ICE insulation I'm bouncing b/w 61.5-61.7mpg this tank with ~240 miles on the tank....still with 6 bars on the fuel guage. My December average will approach 60mpg...easily blowing away my prior 3 December mpg averages.
the weather in the entire pacific northwest only varies a little. in the winter, Jonathan gets the weather usually a half a day sooner, but most of it comes here too. as far as hills, they are all over, BUT some can be avoided. in looking for freindlier commutes, i have discovered by serendipity, routes that are, in one case, shorter (i was SHOCKED to learn this) and in another case, less than a mile longer, but in all cases, an easier, flatter commute with less traffic. so if you are getting poorer mileage and want to improve, mind you, this may not always work, but you wont know till you find out. take a good look at the map, see if you can take chunks of your commute and vary the path a bit. in my case, all the alternate routes took longer to drive, even the shorter one. although, the quickest route was very unpredictable since it involves I-5. (around here, you can NEVER NEVER NEVER rely on I-5 to get you there in a timely manner) so the quick route is NORMALLY faster, but at times, can be much slower. look for rural or suburban thruways that have a speed of 35-40 mph, stoplights every mile or so, you know the type. they can also be busy if traveled at the wrong time of day, and if your commute involves you being with the masses, then none of these suggestions maybe any good to you. for me, i take 4 lanes roads when possible, that i can see lights at least a few blocks ahead, and i drive to judge the lights, i dont care about other traffic (i have noticed more and more lately that others are doing the same anyway...even a few SUV drivers) timing the lights is a make or break proposition. the short trip conundrum can be overcome as well. have to mix a few longer ones in there, but you can still get decent numbers. my commute is 5½ miles one way, and depending on the light timing, i average anywhere from 39 to 51 mpg. yep its that much. light timing is everything.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Dec 28 2006, 08:17 AM) [snapback]367658[/snapback]</div> Ditto. If possible, I'd take the route around the hill (rather than up, over and down the other side) to get home. Most of the time, I can't since it's a ridiculously long detour so I just suck it up and go over it (there's a hill between my house and downtown area). However, it usually averages itself out. I'll end up with whatever mileage I started with on one side of the hill.
I just wish they'd bore a tunnel thru the hill I get to go over every day, approx a 1000' climb from near sea level to about sea level. I have one option to not have to climb it but it involves a 16 mile detour. So that won't happen. Just bite the dirt and climb it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon @ Dec 28 2006, 11:45 AM) [snapback]367747[/snapback]</div> Oh yeah.. Boundary? lol. Ya well, apparently BC isn't technologically advanced enough. They hate anything underground or out of sight. That probably explains all the elevated power lines and road bridges. Underground seems to be a big fear. Unless our land really isn't suited for tunnelling.... hmm...
they tunneled thru the Rocky Mountains and the Chunnel! Boundary Road Hill?? impassable............ not!